(Commenting on)  POLL: Do celebrity endorsements matter in presidential elections?



    • Agree. Stupid women voters will believe anything oprah tells them. Just where did all those followers come from to sit in front of oprah’s audience and slobber all over themselves. They seemed to think she was an authority on everything. I was never a follower of her as I was always working but had no interest in her. Do any of those women at her shows work or do they spend time in audiences following someone who is too rich to realize how the rest of the middle class and poor class citizens really live. Bunch of suckers. Has this bimbo oprah every cleaned her own toilet? If I find out you support a filthy incompetent democrat, I no longer support you.

  1. They sure don’t matter to me but I’m assuming they do to some?…I know once I find out who is endorsing a democrat I loose all respect for them & pretty much boycott anything they do…

  2. They certainly shouldn’t, but here we are. They act, sing, or play sports…so WHY is it a Big Deal to people as to whom they vote for? I don’t believe any of them have Political Science degrees or a background in politics, so… Again, the media treat them as if they do. It’s All about the money & what they are lobbying for. Strange how these people show no gratitude to those, that indeed; made them wealthy, The American People. We’ve turned them into Idols, they’re Not! Personally, I could care less whom they vote for, but I thought Meryl Streep was smarter than that! Those who vote for a candidate because a “star” endorsed them, exposes the fact that they don’t use the brain God gave them.

  3. They’re just another tool they use for brainwashing a lot of these dumb youngsters that are 1st and 2nd time voters, who idolizes these fakes!

  4. They only matter to the low informed LibTard DemoncRat voter. Since they vote because of their FEELINGS and not from FACTS. They are easily influenced by the celebrities who are also ill informed.

  5. I don’t know about others but no celebrity has any influence on my choices! Most of them are narcissistic, spoiled, and out of touch with the real world! If a celebrity i admired endorsed kommie Kamala he or she would lose my respect instantly! Nothing any celebrity spouts will change my mind. Those who allow celebrities to influence their vote are most likely stupid and clueless!

  6. Sad, but a lot of People will follow these Celebrities and do what they say. It’s people that can’t think for themselves.
    These are the People that have no business making any decisions for themselves or their families, let alone voting!

  7. Unfortunately we share a country with a lot of stupid people that can’t think for themselves, but for those who are paying attention, they do not matter.

  8. I answered YES but not for myself , alot of our society upholds ” celebrity persoective” FAR too much which the ignorant masses choose as a replacement for individual judgement and thought . I agree it’s an insult to the rest of us that they are able to vote.


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