(Commenting on)  POLL: Did Kamala perform better than you expected at the debate?



  1. When you’re given a list of questions and have the moderators backing her up. What did you expect?

    • When Muir gave the rules and said that thT Our President TRUMP and Camel-la were not given the questions beforehand I laughed. They gave Komrad Camel-la the questions, that’s what se had been practicing with in her week long debate prep. She came off a little to smooth because of it. She had all of her Debunked LIES rehearsed.

      • They didn’t have to give Kamala the questions. They only had to give them to her handlers and they prepared her for the debate. She did the memorization. She did that quite well. You can tell she had the questions and was given the responses as she did not hesitate to immediately pounce on Donald Trump. It was difficult to watch. She told a lot of lies and even when Trump corrected her, she repeated the lies. “God, please save America!”

        • Excellent point. Just so she could say no one gave her the questions. I call BS. They didn’t ask her handlers, did they. She was just too smooth to pounce right on her memorized responses.

  2. No surprises, we the people were played one more time. It continues to be successful and the corrupt commie politicians know it. This republic is the joke of the world, sad but true. Lie, deceit and corruption is the new platform of these commies. Welcome to the third world party.

    • These freaking bastards would pull the lifeline on a sick bedridden patient to charge their mobile phone. Who the hell are they kidding. They will do anything up to and including murder to win an election or have power. They have already proven that with the attempt on President Trump’s life and follow up threats against J.D. Vance. What a bunch of lowlife scumbags. We will never get the truth out of anyone about the assassination attempt on President Trump. Two more scumbags were cheatle and rowe of the SS, two liars just covering up. “Oh we can’t answer because of an ongoing investigation.” Bullshit liars. cheatle will either be reinstated or start work on a new job for abc, cnn or maybe even join the SPEW. That ugly show the view. I hate those miserable trashbags.

  3. She spouted lies the whole time. IF she meant what she said it would be different, but she’s had all this time to try to help people and all her and this administration has done has let things get out of hand. The economy, illegal folks coming in and taking over. She pretends to care about the middle man and people living in poverty but it’s all lies.

  4. She didn’t answer any questions. Just gave the same answer but not how she would implement it. Trump spent too much time replying to her jabs. He should have doubled down on what she did and didn’t do while pushing what he would do.

  5. Well the two moderators were helping her. She was never fact-checked and he was all night. If there is another debate how about a conservative moderator
    Totally unfair debate. 3 against 1.
    Unfortunately Trump took the bait of defending himself instead of telling the American people what he was going to do for them.

  6. She lied throughout the debate. Besides her smuts, she constantly used her hands to quote talk which show that she cannot do the job without someone coaching her or controlling her actions. Very insecure person.

    • I agree 100%. The scary part for me is how well, when vigorously coached, she can lie with sincerity and like all Marxists actually said nothing! Her “policies” were vague and her “opportunity economy” would bankrupt our Country through redistribution. Her policy would destroy the middle class.

  7. Of course the bimbo had the questions ahead of time. Everything in the last two months is in her favor. The media kisses her stinking ass every day by protecting miss piggy.. How could she prepare ahead of time with no questions. A little too smooth with her quick scripted answers but she kept repeating herself. She never answered the question if she met with putin. Everyone knows this bimbo is not that quick. As for her prosecutorial experience….being a prosecutor has nothing to do with RUNNINBG OUR COUNTRY. The best slam was by President Trump, I’m speaking, please, sound familiar”. She did back away from that one. It hit a nerve in the bimbo’s head lettuce brain.

  8. I said she met my expectations. I said before not to underestimate her! She was very confident, poised, arrogant and well rehearsed with her lies! The moderators asked questions in a way to make her look good. The bias was obvious. It was like a 3 against 1 debate and they kept Trump on the defensive. They helped her get under his skin, which I was afraid of. I’m sure she had the questions well in advance so she could rehearse answers and blatant lies!
    The left continues to lie and spin and repeat their lies til the sheep hear them enough and believe them! In my opinion, she won this debate! I only hope and pray that the bitch doesn’t win the election! I hope the people watching saw through her phony lies! I pray for Gods help!🙏🏻

  9. It seems like she knew what questions were going to be asked just like when Hillary Clinton was given the questions by Donna Brazile. Trump was being fact checked by the so called journalists moderating, but they did not do the same thing to Kamala. He should have mentioned so many things that he didn’t ,including that she has previously stated she doesn’t think entering the country illegally should be a crime , wanting to abolish ICE, etc.. I am still voting for Trump but think he was not well prepped or prepared last night.

  10. It was a rigged Debate!! Moderators never fact checked her or called her out like they did Trump!!
    The Democrats got what they wanted!!
    There won’t be another debate! Tgry can throw this one in Trump’s face till Election!

  11. I think Trump did great given the fact he was debating 3. I definitely think Kamala knew the questions ahead of the debate. I also think she had some acting lessons with all her facial expressions. ABC definitely proved they helped Kamala as she was not fact checked. I have to wonder if she wasn’t wearing an ear wire.

    • There are all types of wireless gizmos on the market these days. All it has to do is be able to receive a signal. Look at this info. “We’ve bought and tested over 270 pairs of WIRELESS earbuds and in-ear headphones, and below, you’ll find our recommendations for the best earbuds with a wireless design to buy. If you’re curious about wireless headphones, consider our recommendations for the best Bluetooth headphones”. So wireless earbudds are out there no bigger than a tiny hearing aid in your ear canal.

  12. She was a well trained monkey. Earpiece came in handy for her. She’s not that smart to come up with all she spewed, all lies. Never fact checked her at all. Trump did well considering it was so biased.

  13. kam-u-nist kommunist konniving, kolluding, kopykat, kackling kunt kamala might have pulled this one off with her condescending attitude. She may have won this battle, but she hasn’t won the war. Keep that in mind. Of course, her slaves and stupid minions will believe her. Of course the media is slobbering all over themselves today….she won, she won, she won. FU kamala, you didn’t win anything except the loss of your integrity of which you had none to begin with. Just what has the czarina done with border security during the last 3 1/2 years. She claims there were more agents hired and I call bullshit. Millions of scumbag illegal maggots would not be breaking through the border security then released to go into hiding if she did anything. karma needs to step in front of this marxist kommunist kammie’s face.

  14. If people remember back during the judge Kavanha hearings. Kamala made herself known with antic’s because she was going to run.
    Kamala has her talking points. It was already said she would attack Trump personally. I wasn’t surprised

    • Great idea, Brandi. Voters really do need to ask the questions as the opinionated propagandists trying to pass for journalists won’t.
      Also, how do we know she wasn’t wearing an earpiece hidden by her hair?
      Kind of wondering if her puppet master wasn’t in her ear feeding her the script.

    • I would most definitely like to participate. Just us against kamala. She cannot be wearing any earrings, jewelry, no pens, pencils, paper in front of her and no buttons on sleeves. Just another place to hide a microchip receiver linked to a tiny ear budd in her ear. Only a bottle of water and a pedestal podium. Hey, if NASA can talk to people on the space station a million miles in space, someone can talk to kamala wearing a tiny earpiece in her ear when they are a couple miles away.

  15. She definitely was well prepared like a robot and that race question was bullshit. Meant to set him up but he should have pulled himself together and just said “I don’t care what she is but she shouldn’t say she is something she’s not”. I am angry with Trump. He lost his shit. He is so angry abt the state of this country he can’t stay calm enough to answer with intelligence and lay out his plans.

  16. I feel all Kamala did was run down all Trump did! She is an attention hound and I thought Trump was wonderful and just let her go on and on! Still voting for Trump!

  17. I fully believe she was given questions in advance and had an ear piece. That smart ass smile on her face made me want to throw stuff at the TV. She didn’t answer the questions, just ran her mouth. President Trump didn’t do as well as I had hoped. But he still gets my vote!

  18. I have no doubt and would bet the odds she was being promoted. She would tilt her head as if listening in her ear. Her hair covered her right ear so it was not exposed And, she would look up to her left as if looking at someone. Complete cheat. I would not doubt the questions were given to her like Hillary. She was too polished, she is just a cackling hyena.

  19. No question she was supplied the questions ahead of time. She was too composed but her main topic was calling Trump a lier, criminal and bully. She never answered the questions she just jumped in with “all you will hear are lies” then her turn the page. Please! Trump had to keep calling her out. He got some points across but this was planned so c*ntmala could continue to throw jabs then say how great she is. Trump said it right. Go back to DC and implement what she wants to do and why in almost 4 years hasn’t it been done. This was a debate in favor of c*ntmala but I still think Trump won it!

  20. The debate just confirms I’m voting Trump/Vance. Her lies were so obvious and the moderators were helping her and she knew. The media the same old thing just helping her and the democrats to stay in control. I hope the American people knows better and vote red all the way, let’s just clean house, senate and the WH.The debate was a joke and the moderators and Kamala the clowns!🤡

  21. I think she had questions ahead of time.too well versed. The mods and Kamala put trump always on defense he had to always rebute.

  22. Kamala was in prosecutor mode and not in debate mode. Did she have help other than the moderators, who knows for sure. I do know she lied several times and was never called out on it and never answered a single question.

    The next debate needs to be on X with Musk and Tucker as the moderators and same rules closed mikes no notes and moderators are to hold candidates accountable to answer the questions and fact check the 💩 out of them. America deserves better.

  23. Kamala normally can’t speak without it written down in front of her. She speaks normally with word salads and cackles! She definitely had preparation help. ABC probably gave her instructors the questions ahead of time. ABC also helped her out by fact checking Trump only. They should have fact checked Kamala, too, as she told lies, too.

  24. I saw a story stating that her earrings were audio enabled. Given the rehearsed and stiff nature of her response she’s, I could believe it. It would be interesting to search the archives to see if she’s ever worn them before.

  25. Harris has no substance to what she says. Like going to Give Americans.. opps illegal invaders $25,000 to help buy a house.Wish Trump would have pounced on that, but We The People of America know better! Her plan is clear to help illegals immigrants with everything. Americans 1st, are Not even on her radar of common sense. Must Vote Trump/Vance🇺🇸🇺🇸or We are in For even Bigger problems that Biden/ Harris has put us in!! God Bless The United State of America!! 🙏🇺🇸🇺🇸Vote Red, We have got to Drain the dam Swamp of democrats ridiculous, dangerous ideology!! And one more thing..obviously David Muir didn’t do his homework, their are absolutely Haitian illegal invaders, Thanks to Harris, Biden and Company that are stealing peoples pets and eating them! Harris thought it was funny. Not a dam thing funny about it, and it’s True!! Vote Trump/Vance🇺🇸🇺🇸

  26. I got so infuriated with the kommie that I had to keep pausing the tv and go outside and try to cool down. Finally just fast forwarded her lies. I had yelled at the tv so much that my dog and cats were hiding.

    The twat was too polished and schooled. I had not seen or heard her like this before. It was as phony as she is. The lies! OMG, the lies were endless! And I wanted to grab her hands and have someone tie them down. Did Pelocifer give her hand waving tips?

    Trump did well against those 2 ABC shills. But he seemed tired. He’s been pushing so hard.

  27. Given the fact that Harris’s bar was so low, her performance would almost have to be better than expected. Still, her answers really lacked substance and we’re just platitudes and outright lies which the moderators chose not to challenge. In fact in some cases where Trump told the truth about a situation, the moderators actually said that his true facts were a lie. I think it was very likely that Harris was given the answers and the questions beforehand and she merely memorized what she had to say because she normally isn’t that well spoken off the cuff.

  28. She had one goal get Trump to take the bait and he did .
    I wish DML had a direct link to MR.TRUMP and that he would listen to DML advice.

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