(Commenting on)  POLL: Can Trump flip New York to red?



  1. New Yorkers are tired of the CORRUPT Draconian “leaders” who only care about the Illegal Invaders that the HARRIS/biden administration have forced upon them. Of course Our President TRUMP can flip the State.

  2. I think these democrats who live in the city are sick and tired of the crime and the illegals getting everything for free. I think alot, not all, are waking up to the Democrat brainwashing that has been going on for decades

  3. Trump will win NY but James will cheat and declare a miss trial er voter error and fraud on the Republican Party side and call NY for Camala. Yeah I know it’s spelled wrong and I pronounce it very wrong too.

  4. I agree with DML: it’s quite possible New York will turn RED. Citizens bear the brunt of this mass illegal immigration and are wondering correctly WHERE IN THE HELL all the monies are coming from when just yesterday there wasn’t enough to handle our homeless and fix our school system, to build bigger and better prisons and homes for the poor. To fight more effectively the gang and drug problem etc etc

  5. New Yorkers do not like being played like the DEMS have habit of doing

    Fool them once or twice but given the option of good opinions New Yorkers will turn so fast your head will spin.


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