(Commenting on)  POLL: Are you confident the election results will be authentic?



  1. If the results are anything like the past 3 elections, they will not be real. Our President TRUMP got alot more votes than were reported in both 2016 and 2020. Barry got fewer votes than were reported in 2012. The MSM propaganda machine in cahoots with the DemoncRATS. Prime example is CBS’s reporting of a known lie by Kelley about OPT last night.

  2. I don’t want a repeat of last election. Honestly they had 4 years to fix it. Nothing we can do will change the result. Last election was a nightmare. I’m praying it will be different this time. It’s all I can do.

  3. Evidently this is the “new normal” in our now third world country, our republic’s constitution is ignored and actually the lying devil DEMONcrates do whatever they want and the spineless republicans just talk. AND we allow groups like black rock to rule our republic with their demonic dictator commie agenda.

  4. I will only be confident that results will be authentic if Trump wins! The polls and many other things (such as the excitement of communities when Trump visits, the rallies etc) KH doesn’t seem to illicit the same excitement and enthusiasm. Also blacks and Hispanics are switching sides. Then there is the history of Democrats cheating! They WILL try it again and they are getting very good at it! Also , I just can’t understand how ANYONE finds that bimbo authentic and trustworthy! She never answers a question and bull shits with word salads. How stupid does one have to be to vote for her?

    • I don’t know how anyone could vote for that lying bimbo who was installed in what amounts to a coup (shall I say insurrection?). Then I see my neighbor who is 73 and votes D. Why? Because his parents always voted that way. He is clueless about anything except what the nightly news says and what a friend of his says, someone who listens exclusively to NPR. I’ve asked my neighbor if he cares about his grandkids who will have to live with the choices he selects. He doesn’t care apparently. Frankly, I’m infuriated with him but realize that there’s countless others like him. It’s almost like the story of the ant and the grasshopper- Republicans seem more like the ant who looks to and prepares for the future while the grasshopper files away his time without a thought to the consequences. Unfortunately us ants will have to burden ourselves with the shallowness of the grasshoppers

  5. I think that the Democrats are setting the stage for a contentious post-election. I think they will cheat like hell in order to manufacture a win for Harris and, in addition, are already working on strategies to try and prevent Trump from taking office if their cheating is ineffective this time. Unfortunately, I think that there is a real possibility for some type of actual civil war to erupt after this election. There is no way that the Democrats will voluntarily give up power and there is no way that Republicans will allow another election to be stolen. I hope that it doesn’t happen but I’m concerned that it will. After all the vicious rhetoric that the Democrats have used against Trump during this election cycle, I don’t see how they will allow a peaceful transition when Trump wins.

  6. I heard something about Biden singing a law about questioning election results and or officials. I haven’t seen anything yet but I’m sure the biased media will keep it quiet. Like the Pentagon allowing the military to use deadly force against Americans. I truly hope that this is false as Kamala-Layers campaign ads are. What happened to disinformation 🐃💩 they were talking about?

  7. Unfortunately the Dems are too apt to cheat, as usual, it’s their signature move and nothing seems to stop them. Basic criminals

  8. People do you not understand that our Lord God decides who will rule a country. He does indeed allow people like Obama to rule USA but did we not deserve Hussein Obama? No one it seemed thought Donald Trump could ever be president but he did. We did see Devine Intervention clearly shown with the assassination attempt against Donald Trump. The Israelis love Donald Trump and I at this point feel We The People should vote similarly.


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