(Commenting on)  POLL: Are you concerned about the measles outbreak?



  1. When I was a child when we got measles it was just another childhood disease we didn’t freak out I don’t understand why it is such a bid deal get over it like me and my 5 siblings did and we are still alive I am 77 years old

  2. When I was a child the neighborhoods have measles, mumps, and chicken pox parties for us kids so we would catch it and then be done with it. We ate good nutrious foods, played outside to get the sun’s healing powers and fresh air, exercised maintained healthy weights! Sodas were a treat and rare! The good old days!

  3. The vaccinations for those diseases have been proven to work. Children should be vaccinated for them at least I thought they being vaccinated in order to attend school.

  4. I got my immunity when my sister got the measles so me and all four of my siblings were exposed and we all developed our immunity. I am a little concerned about the children today. Each vaccination kills more of their natural immune system and they receive so many.

  5. If you look up information on vitamin A and measles, there is a correlation between vitamin A deficiency and severity and mortality from measles. Vitamin A is used as a treatment to lessen the symptoms and severity of measles infections.

  6. We all know who brought the measles back to our country and now we have to wonder what else they brought with them. My Dr. was concerned about TB the last few years and warned me to be careful of other diseases that we don’t normally see.

  7. Just add measles to the growing list of diseases brought in by illegals. Once upon a time, the CDC released a list of diseases brought in by illegals. I know. I read it. Talked about it. Shared it. But I’ll bet that list has been deleted. The list was almost endless. I recall leprosy in Texas. Malaria. Chagus disease, Dengue Fever, polio, multi-resistant TB, on and on. Diseases I’ve never heard of. All contagious in some way or another. Back in 2008 or so, when the Gang of 8 was trying to pass amnesty, Michael Savage spoke at length about the diseases brought in. The damage has been made extremely worse thanks to Biden and his minions. It will take time and deaths until this is eradicated. The illegals can’t be removed fast enough.

  8. My concern is that measles may be only the beginning of our problems. The Biden administration let in millions of unvetted, unvaccinated perhaps and medically unchecked illegal aliens in the country. God knows what they brought with them. And their kids are now jammed into classrooms with our kids. It’s only going to be a matter of time before other outbreaks of third world diseases start to break out across our nation.

  9. I think everyone is finally getting the point here. It wasn’t a problem until illegals poured in bringing their medical conditions from other places. Another notch on the belt for Biden.


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