(Commenting on)  PLOT TWIST: Fani Willis hit with more bad news as botched case against President Trump burns her cash



  1. Fani Willis needs to be disbarred and FIRED from her position!!! What a corrupt person! Disgusting that she CAN’T be honest and fair! Who’s the next person she is going to attack unfairly! She has NO credibility! She is a traitor to her oath she took!

  2. Fani is like a piece of gum on the bottom of your shoe. Will she ever go away?! She has to be one of the most irritating characters ever. I think karma is only just beginning to catch up with her. I hope the full force of karma is felt real soon. It will be spectacular to watch.

  3. Lol lol lol.. act like a uppity B and karma comes to bite you in your ass. She thought she was all that and now is falling faster than turd hitting a sidewalk in LA


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