(Commenting on)  PHOTOS: Kamala Harris’s NC Rally Draws Mere 250 After Thousands Attended Trump’s Rally in Asheville



  1. 250 ppl are TOO many in my opinion.
    She’s worthless!

    I watched Trump in PA from YouTube. Did great. There was still a woman SS there tho. I’d demand all men at this point.

  2. Crowd size does not matter. We should have learned this from the 2020 election. Minimize the cheat. Vote early get your vote counted before Election Day!!!

  3. Crowd size does not matter. Would should learn this from the 2029 election. Minimize the cheat. Vote early and get your vote counted before Election Day!!

    • T, I respectfully disagree with the point you’re making. One has nothing to do with the other. Americans are blasted with a narrative everyday that open borders are compassionate, sexualizing children is the new normal and the Bill of Rights should no longer apply because they were written by slavers.These rallies serve a very important purpose. They remind people that there are millions of Americans who reject leftism so passionately, they are willing to stand in line for hours to lock arms with fellow patriots in a common cause to save this country. That’s why these rallies drive the left crazy. They undermine the establishment media’s false narrative. This actually makes it harder to steal an election and people accept the legitimacy of the outcome.

      • They actually stole the election in 2020. Despite the over whelming crowd sizes all while Joe sat in the basement. How did that work out for us. I agree crowd size shows support , but if it doesn’t translate to votes what does it matter. Vote early and get your vote counted before Election Day people!!

        • Are you aware that Lara Trump has hired attorneys to be at all polling locations and so far 157,000 volunteers have been vetted to assist at polling locations. I am hoping this tactic works this time to prevent the BS that occurred in 2020.

  4. 250 crazy people!
    I agree with a person who said firer regulations probably has that room at capacity. However that’s why Trump picks venues that are larger to support the amount of people.
    This election is about if Trump can beat the cheat. I agree with Dml every Trump supporter needs to identify themselves all across America with a flag, sign, bumper sticker. Something. Stand up and be counted!

    • I agree Brandi. I’ve started wearing my MAGA cap when I go out and about. The other side has no worries about showing their allegiance because MAGA supporters don’t typically deface, confront or debase them. We Trump supporters need to have a visual representation. Loud and proud for our nominee.

  5. Haven’t been able to attend a TRUMP/Vance rally, my wife can’t stand for hrs in line waiting to get in. That being said we are all in for Our President TRUMP! Been In about 15 States this year and have seen maybe 5 Biden/Harris signs. Seen 1000s of Trump ones. Doesn’t matter what part of the Country, New England, South , Mid-West or Mountain. We are anticipating a TRUMP TSUNAMI 🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲

  6. Unlike Trump rallies where the people freely show up by the thousands the Harris campaign can’t afford to keep paying ten thousand people to show up at her “rallies”.

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