(Commenting on)  PHOTOS: Dog’s eyes say it all’ after Florida firefighters rescue him along with dozens more in Milton’s floods



  1. Bless the firefighters from the Hillsborough Fire and Rescue for the wonderful rescue of these animals. The picture of Captain Dusty and this poor stranded pup is absolutely heartwarming. The Love in the eyes of the dog can’t be denied. It’s wonderful to know that there are people who care, Bless you all.

    Now, my opinion of the owners, you do not deserve to have these wonderful pets. If you can get your butts out then you should do the same for your four legged companions. To me you disgust me, there is NO reason to let them behind, these pets should NOT go back to there owners but to someone who really cares. I was in Cornelia, Georgia, drove straight home to Kissimmee because I wouldn’t allow my 2 cats to be alone during a hurricane, packed their essentials and drove back to Cornelia, in bumper to bumper traffic. Theses are my pets, my babies and I would never abandon them. Except for the owners being hospitalized then there is No excuse. Theses owners should be ashamed and the pets not returned, you abandoned them which means you do Not want or care about them.

  2. No photo. And why aren’t my post showing up on your feed? I have posted numerous replies and nothing ever appears now. Have you banned me from posting?
    I’am thankful to the folks that rescued all the animals left behind. My heart breaks to the ones who didn’t make it.

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