(Commenting on)  PHOTOS: Convicted fentanyl dealer seen sobbing as she’s nabbed by ICE after illegally re-entering US



  1. Oh! The poor, fat , ugly low life illegal criminal maggot! Go back where you came from and stay there! You’re not welcome here! Oh! And eat a salad you fat pig!

    • Absolutely! So should anyone who hires illegals! I know Americans who have lost there jobs to illegals paid “under the table”. I’m thinking $10k fine per day per illegal. The over million jobs lost to Americans by illegals during the FJB years could get back to work!

  2. Not surprised working at a restaurant. Hear it all the time here in Northwest Indiana. Last time I went to a local diner that’s all the employees were speaking…Spanish! We get them from Shitcago! Will not be going there anymore!

  3. What an ugly obese fat blob of smelly blubber. That is as ugly as maxine waters. When did that pig have her last shower. For now, it belongs behind bars with no bail. How about no bail, no jail, firing squad immediately. Just think of how many people died because of this piece of garbage and her drugs. Put this cockroach on the ground in front of people, they will step all over IT.

  4. I think we all need to stop eating at places where we know illegals are working. And most of the immigrants working in restaurants are illegals

  5. That POS needs to go to
    Prison for the rest of her life I have seen all these American Citizens kids and some Adults in there 20’s killed by fentanyl and it’s sad and very bad wiping out a whole generation

  6. 😂😂the middle name literally means trash😂
    How appropriate!!! My gosh, it looks🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮 that’s the ugliest, piggish looking thing I’ve EVER seen, except those things on “my 600lb life”!!!!!

  7. “…snuck back in during the Biden administration”. You mean walked back in and welcomed with open arms by the Biden administration.


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