(Commenting on)  PHOTO: School District fires teachers for dressing as ‘Border Patrol’ at cultural event



  1. I am a So Carolinian.
    That display is cringe worthy! What TH were those teachers thinking?
    Really. What good of any sort were they thinking?

  2. As a South Carolinian I am extremely happy that all of my children are no longer in the school system that appeases perversion and fires free speech.

  3. It may have been in poor taste yet I can support free speech as it was modestly dressed adults. The drag queens and transgender shows that we must endure in the name of inclusion is so much over the top 🐃💩 that it should be child abuse. This school system may pander to the Hispanic community at a major cost to the Caucasian community, the article didn’t mention any of this so the details are unknown.

  4. Not sure why these teachers dressed up like this. But teachers in my day were certified and protected by the teachers union. They cannot be fired outright but be put on suspension.
    My interpretation is some kind of message to the parents, illegal parents. Not Hispanics but illegals who are breaking the law. And they weren’t dressed up like bp just tee shirts.

  5. F@ck diversity and hispanic heritage at schools. The hispanic community should have no say in dictating what is appropriate. These teachers may have given a nod to a legitimate law enf organization which is not bad. Yet other schools and teachers can give nods to Hamas and BLM terrorists?

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