(Commenting on)  Philly Inquirer Urges Trump’s Withdrawal



  1. I am so tired of these idiot liberals. The Democrats have always been corrupt and compromised since the Civil War. The only saving grace to save this country is Trump. The Democrats are so afraid that their corruption is going to be shown to the world. We need a reprieve from a Democrat run government and get this country back to it’s Glory.

  2. This rhetoric is disgusting. These people are completely clueless. They are all too stupid to realize that all of these bogus trials are political and election interference. Trump was NOT found guilty of rape. He is far from an Antisemite as his daughter and grandchildren are Jewish. This BS needs to stop because if Biden get re-elected we are all screwed. The MSM should apologize to every single American for lying to them about Biden’s cognitive decline.

  3. I bet the 51 people from the CIA that stated hunters laptop was phony are the top names on the list !!!
    Can’t make this stuff up !

  4. I agree that the first debate was too early. Hopefully Biden will not drop out cause he will lose to Trump!

    • I thought the same, Trump should have waited for the second debate, I knew thus would probably happen. Hopefully Biden won’t leave ir Jill won’t let him. Only way to go now.

    • I believe that if Americans put the well being of our country before anything else they will NOT vote for ANY dem nominee. I can pray and hope that right? I will take Trumps tweets, his ego or what ever anyone don’t like of him, but we need the country we had when he was President. Trump above anying else truly loves America and cares about all Americans

  5. Fuck the philly inquirer. Owned by a bunch of old mare liberal pukes. Old mares can no longer run. Shut your inquirer down philly. You are just a bunch of useless braindead idiots just like that useless braindead meat suit you support. joe biden’s mind is already gone.

  6. Who the hell this people think they are to tell the American people that Trump should drop the race! This only shows how desperate the liberals are, they are in panic and are using anything and everything they can to destroy Trump! But guess what you all democrats has try everything to stop him and is not working! Trump 2024!

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