This is why all these supposedly protests are for. It’s to intimidate.
They are being exposed. The more they get exposed of their corruption, money laundering, coverups and abuse, the more they attack. Expose these agitators and the evil people funding these leftists radicals and money laundering schemes. Expose them to the whole world who they really are! Take all their masks off!
With proof of Chinese donations to Dems that should start the FRAUD investigations into other illegal international donations and ultimately make null and void all Dem supposed wins so all Dems who got into office in 2020 will be OUT OF THERE this is how we get rid of them
Get the water cannons out and blow these creepy little bastards down the street about 10-15 blocks. Let the water pressure do its thing. I would love to see them tumbling and fumbling all over each other with bloody noses and black eyes. How about some puffed out lips. No botox necessary. They don’t know what the hell they are even protesting.
We all know that soros and his dirtbag son are the filth of the earth. When is the old bastard going to kick the can down the road already. And reid hoffman was a major donor for e jean slutbag carroll and her lying lawsuit against Trump.
So all you doubters that continue your clueless behaviors of what’s truly happening to our republic, we are under attack within. It’s our own people destroying we the peoples republic, WHY? The commie cult devil DEMONcrate party is behind it all and some sorry ass republicans as well, WHY? They are hell bent on this NWO, complete control of the sheepeople, and socialism period. This is not going to end well, it’s not WWIII it will be a civil war within is what these commie scumbags are after. We are on the path of bankruptcy as planned and once your moneys gone it’s over. Food prices alone are forcing we the people to make major adjustments and this was part of their plan, energy costs are through the roof as planned so slowly it’s falling into place. How does the lower courts have authority to force the waste to continue ? During the empty suits administration nothing was blocked right? This isn’t adding up folks just like Epsteins “list” funny how this came to a screeching halt, look at the pathetic Supreme Court and what they’re doing. DJT and his administration are completely surrounded and it’s not looking like this four years; if we survive, is going to be much different due to the massive deeply rooted corruption. Still trying to remain hopeful 🙏
I love how everything is being exposed now.
We have known that these protests are being funded. We know many of the agitators are actually paid to be there. I’m not sure exactly how but there needs to be a law that you can not hirer people to protest and if you do since they are now your employees and actions they take be it violence or destruction of property is now your crime as well and the “employer” of these protesters is now liable financially and criminally.
Throw their sorry asses in prison!! They need a place for these liberals, to go color and do kindergarten stuff. So f-ing sick of them acting like spoiled crazy brats, rats, snakes! Ship them off with the illegals.
Oh please please please sue the đź’© out of ActBlu and Soros and gang.
I SO SGREE Anita!!!!!!
Anita, I agree with you 100%!!!
I was just going to say that as I finished reading this article. Musk should sue them until they bleed.
Wow! The corruption is deep and wide.
This is why all these supposedly protests are for. It’s to intimidate.
They are being exposed. The more they get exposed of their corruption, money laundering, coverups and abuse, the more they attack. Expose these agitators and the evil people funding these leftists radicals and money laundering schemes. Expose them to the whole world who they really are! Take all their masks off!
This is not new information….the real question is….will you people ever do anything about it?? We’ve known democrats hate the USA.
With proof of Chinese donations to Dems that should start the FRAUD investigations into other illegal international donations and ultimately make null and void all Dem supposed wins so all Dems who got into office in 2020 will be OUT OF THERE this is how we get rid of them
The Chinese, CCP and people like George Soros have spent tons of money trying to divide this country so wake up Americans and smell the coffee.
Need yo make political attacks such as this a felony.
Get the water cannons out and blow these creepy little bastards down the street about 10-15 blocks. Let the water pressure do its thing. I would love to see them tumbling and fumbling all over each other with bloody noses and black eyes. How about some puffed out lips. No botox necessary. They don’t know what the hell they are even protesting.
We all know that soros and his dirtbag son are the filth of the earth. When is the old bastard going to kick the can down the road already. And reid hoffman was a major donor for e jean slutbag carroll and her lying lawsuit against Trump.
So all you doubters that continue your clueless behaviors of what’s truly happening to our republic, we are under attack within. It’s our own people destroying we the peoples republic, WHY? The commie cult devil DEMONcrate party is behind it all and some sorry ass republicans as well, WHY? They are hell bent on this NWO, complete control of the sheepeople, and socialism period. This is not going to end well, it’s not WWIII it will be a civil war within is what these commie scumbags are after. We are on the path of bankruptcy as planned and once your moneys gone it’s over. Food prices alone are forcing we the people to make major adjustments and this was part of their plan, energy costs are through the roof as planned so slowly it’s falling into place. How does the lower courts have authority to force the waste to continue ? During the empty suits administration nothing was blocked right? This isn’t adding up folks just like Epsteins “list” funny how this came to a screeching halt, look at the pathetic Supreme Court and what they’re doing. DJT and his administration are completely surrounded and it’s not looking like this four years; if we survive, is going to be much different due to the massive deeply rooted corruption. Still trying to remain hopeful 🙏
I love how everything is being exposed now.
We have known that these protests are being funded. We know many of the agitators are actually paid to be there. I’m not sure exactly how but there needs to be a law that you can not hirer people to protest and if you do since they are now your employees and actions they take be it violence or destruction of property is now your crime as well and the “employer” of these protesters is now liable financially and criminally.
Throw their sorry asses in prison!! They need a place for these liberals, to go color and do kindergarten stuff. So f-ing sick of them acting like spoiled crazy brats, rats, snakes! Ship them off with the illegals.
Go after all of these groups funded by Soros and friends and then the funders!