(Commenting on)  PARODY SPAT: Newsom signs bills banning ‘deepfakes’ and ‘disinformation’ in elections; Musk fires back by sharing viral parody video of Kamala Harris



  1. Yet theres ads of Ted Cruz saying things that he has never said. You can tell its fake by his mouth is all blurry . Colin Allred is behind this crap.

  2. 🤔Gruesome Newsom doesn’t have the authority to stop people from posting whatever they want. What is he going to do, track every single person, find their address after they post a meme and go and arrest them? 😂 Thinking most would stop him in his tracks if it came down to it. How insane is he??

  3. Kudos to Musk for the Ad that is so close to the truth it hurts yet is hilarious at the same time. Sadly those who are hurt by it , Obviously Gruesome Newsome, are the very ones that need to understand it the most. They are blind to what is in front of them and deaf to the truth that their friends and family have told them. They turn to Hillary and Nancy or AOC for their mantras for hate for freedom.


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