(Commenting on)  Ozempic, Wegovy Linked to Rare Vision Loss Risk



  1. Just another way for big pharma to weaken and kill us! I basically refuse to see any doctor now because it’s not about a cure anymore! They are taught about curing people! They are now taught to shove pills down your throat at all cost! The more you take the more money big pharma and these quacks make! If you notice everything they produce has some kind of nasty after effect, or it causes cancer and other diseases!

  2. You have to read “Lies My Doctor Told Me” by Dr. Ken Berry……it’s Government and Big Pharm running it all, from how doctors are “taught”, how studies are funded (bought), our food pyramid flawed (promoting insulin resistance/obesity), how health measurements are revised to promote more medical diagnoses (more $ for Big Pharm), and so much more! And if your doctor disagrees, their licenses are threatened, revoked or worse. Read and wake up!!

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