(Commenting on)  OUTBREAKS: Boar’s Head plant nicknamed ‘listeria factory’ over dozens of food safety violations



    • There are several well know grocery stores who sell this brand and a local Deli that I always frequented that made wonderful sandwiches and soups using Boar’s Head products. I am holding off going to that Deli or buying any Boar’s Head products until this mess is resolved. I switched over to Sargento cheeses which are in sealed packages.

    • I would agree totally. I wonder how true this is. I mean are the people lying about what they ate
      Or where they ate?

  1. All about the money! The people in charge of this plant should be held accountable! They did not care about the conditions of this plant nor the people to which there neglect caused nine deaths and countless sick! SHUT THEM DOWN FOREVER! SEIZE ALL ASSETS AND FREEZE ALL BANK ACCOUNTS!

  2. HOW THE HELL is this even possible??!!! This definitely demands CRIMINAL CHARGES be brought on several different levels.

  3. How many of you know about the Tyson plant in Arizona that fired virtually ALL of it’s employees and then hired all illegals? I’m betting this happened at this plant also.

  4. I have noticed in so many different products the quality has gone way down. From bread to tolite paper. Thing that never would have passed inspection all of a sudden is sent out. A huge issue is the quality of people. Pride in your job is gone.. As for this plant if these accusations are true then they need to be held accountable for the deaths. This is repeat offensive for several years

  5. I watched a video about this from a guy I watch on YouTube. His thing is he goes to a different grocery store almost daily, he goes to dollar tree, general dollar,Walmart , Meyers etc, your average place you can get food and does the price checks letting you know if the items have rose or dropped in price, he’s in Cincinnati but he’s gone to Kentucky, and if they go on vacation he goes to those stores in the area. He did Pigeon Forge not long ago. I said all that so you would get a feel for his channel. He was talking about this Thursday or Friday. It’s real he was reading a article CBS but out & it was disgusting. I won’t buy it again but I want to know if this has been going on for 2 years why hasn’t the food inspectors & the. FDA, or any other government agency done anything. If you’ve ever worked in a restaurant or deli you know how it is. Why do people have to die before anything happens. I remember the Jif incident, Blue Bell ice cream, Quaker Oats, Food Lion turkeys etc. Apple juice has been recalled and it’s getting to where you’re going to have to check the recall list before you go to the grocery store. If I see something recalled I share on Facebook because people may haven’t heard about it. Our country is getting to where you can’t trust it. If I told you what you’re eating in bread. you wouldn’t eat it again . This was a epic fail on everyone top to bottom. I would like to know exactly who owns the plants. China bought out Smithfield. In all actuality do we really know who owns, how often these companies are inspected etc. They raid a Pennsylvania farmer who sell his stuff to totally organic, to members only club, people who know they are buying raw milk, etc. The USDA go after people like that instead of what they need to.

  6. It could be so many things, however, if you are mistreating your employees (overworked, low wages, no raises, distrust in management, understaffed) can result in low performing employees and not doing the quality check protocols they need to do). Too bad; BH is / was my favorite brand.


  8. Where were the government meat inspectors when all this has been going on. Sounds like there were a lot of people not doing their job and the public is paying for in more ways than one.

    • Exactly!! Many of the infractions mentioned should have been discovered during routine inspections before they piled up and became so monumental! It’s unbelievable that such filth can exist in the food industry in this country. People were not doing the job they were supposed to be doing. Undoubtedly inspectors weren’t doing their jobs either! DEI was probably a big part of it!

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