(Commenting on) OUT OF TOUCH: John Legend, who grew up in Springfield, tells residents to accept Haitian migrants in video recorded from his Beverly Hills mansion
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Kamala how dare you say The American Dream..you took it away from us Americans who fought and built this country. It’s YOUR American Dream.which tells us this election is all about YOU. Ask the people of Springfield Ohio how YOUR American Dream is working for THEM. It’s a CATastrophy!
Definitely DO NOT want to go forward with YOU!
And if the airheads listened to Taylor Swift then I’m sure they will listen to John Legend.
What a bitch why do not take some in your house bitch
Go one more step forward and send them to Legend’s home and let him embrace all of them and see how he can deal with it!!!
Is say to Kamala’s as well, they can split them up between them.
Another POS not living in reality..
Spoiler alert. I cant stand him or his perv wife. So there is bias. 😁 But this post by John Legend proves my decision.
And currently he also promotes the j. A. B. from a set filled with gold and crystal. What an a$$—-.
He should invite the Haitians to his house and see what they do before he tells the people of Springfield what to do. The ” elites” have no clue what really is happening in the REAL world.
Right on! Out Of Touch With Reality! They should all knock on his door, and say we want to work! He just thought he was or is a Legend.. Ego Buster, He is not. Another misguided Hollywierdo. # Americans 1st🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
I wonder if he is willing to move back to his hometown and live and do as he is telling the people of Springfield to do. You can bet not.
The reason people have been leaving Springfield is because of the same reason other large metropolitan areas have lost people. They are moving away because Democrat politicians have failed the people for 60-70 years. They have failed the people.
Legend states that “legal” Haitians are going to Springfield but that’s a lie. They’re mostly “illegals” that were not processed or vetted. This air head should stick to acting and not vomit over people with his BS.
Oh STHU Legend, what do you know about hard working middle America!
He is only a legend in his mind ….just because you change your name doesnt make you one…
He’s a pos…and we don’t give a shit what he thinks…and he can’t sing…
Then open up your house for them!
Where is my comment?
He is only a legend in his own mind…. Just because you changed your name doesn’t mean you are one… he’s a pos and we don’t give a shit what you say..go away…and he can’t sing
IYKYK about John Legend and makes sense why he would be ok with Hait*ans voo*oo!
If residents get up before their city government and state the immigrants are eating the geese out of their park lake and pets I have to believe them. After all these people live there. We don’t and neither does John legend. If he is so worried about these immigrants help out. Don’t sit in your mansion miles away preaching benevolence. Move them to your city I am sure the people of Springfield would appreciate your help.
What a POS!!. Geez, you are not even dressed. Doing this from your bathroom? Never liked this guy or his stupid big mouth wife. Why don’t you, John Roger Stephens, start loving your fellow Springfield natives and stfu. Sounds like you are all ready and willing to have communism take over. This is the supreme POS couple of Hollywood. Abhorrence at its best.
Ship them to Legend’s mansion. You have more room. Shame on you for not sticking up for your hometown.
Enjoy this life as long as you can! Enjoy your money. After all you know everything! We no nothing!Let’s see if you can fit this🐫 through the eye of a needle when you like all of us inevitably die! Good luck! You’re going to need it!
What an entitled SOB!
How about you let them sleep and crap on your lawn legend
When are these celebrities going to realize we don’t give a shit what they think or say.
Hmmmmmmm. A confirmed atheist (from his own mouth) thinks it’s a Christian thing to do. How does that work John? You don’t believe in God. I guess you missed Wensday abc when they had to admit their diatery taste was true. Why don’t you move back to Springfield if it’s so great. What a numnut commie demo. Has he built a underground bunker or is he expecting opraaaah to let him into hers?
He’s a friend of Obama… that says a lot.
who the f**k is this John legend?
Spoken in a Turkish robe no less! (NIMBY) !
Hey little elitist PUNK, how about they ship the savages to your mansion? PO💩, so typical of you and your junkie culture. You’re not relevant PUNK. Little girlie man.
Who cares what John non Legend says. He also recommended the Covid shot.