(Commenting on)  OUSTED: Deported university professor had ‘sympathetic photos’ of Hezbollah leaders on her phone, CAIR fumes



  1. Good riddance. We really need to focus our efforts in getting Americans back into the STEM saddle. We cannot rely ok dangerous foreigners.

  2. HAPPY TRUMP and ICE are focusing on the Muslim and / or TERRORIST university. “ doctors, professors, instructors “ as well as the “students”. As well as her visa stated she “fills a job no American can fill” – I’ll bet there are quite a few American citizens VERY qualified to take her place.
    Get her – and her foreign terrorist colleagues OUT of our country. We don’t want them back – NOT in five years – NOT ever.

  3. Who gives a rats behind if she’s a great surgeon…her mindset is a threat to our National Security. That’s the way these people work …within. Play fake nice outside in public, then cut your head off in the end result.
    Thank you for deporting her.👍

  4. Followed his teachings “from a religious perspective” but not a political one? What is the difference? Islam dictates every moment of a muslim’s life. How to bathe. How to eat. How to walk and talk. How to pray and how to govern the WORLD. Their religious beliefs ARE their political beliefs, and vice versa. When their Mullahs and Imams issue a Fatwah, they are ALL required by Allah to obey. There are only two types of Muslims. Terrorists and those who are not terrorists YET.

  5. Finally.. Send that message!!!!! Absolutely no HATERS of any kind like that!!!! It compromises our safety!!!!!!! Anyone want a psychotic political activist taking care of your loved ones!!!!! I don’t. You already k ow they are taught to blend in and grow in numbers … This is awesome


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