(Commenting on)  OUCH! Liberal news outlet torches Harris for inflating prosecutorial record



  1. All Camel-la cares about is the POWER of the office occupies. She is NOT fit to sit behind the Resolute Desk.

  2. That nervous laugh is a sign of self doubt.
    She’s insecure and lashes out to others, because is feels inferior. Harris would be worthless in the White House.

  3. This is what journalist are supposed to do. Challenge politicians.
    Now all we have are commentators

  4. Every person running for office in DC should have a cognitive test AND an IQ test. I would
    Guess Cameltoe’s IQ is somewhere around 50-60. What do you think?

  5. Really. Well then I have oversaw and worked in presidential elections and the last one was cheated and stolen from fakes just like you Kama. I am soo sick of hearing anything from her fake ass that I want to poke my eyes and ears out. Let’s stop her d*ad in her tracks

  6. Start an American lives matter group and take it to the streets. Burn down those apartment complexes that they’ve taken over then head on over to the governors mansion. This place should be under martial law and if necessary bring in the national guard and round them up and ship them out. Don’t give me this crap that they’re looking for a better life. And another thing StOP voting blue and pray. American Lives Matter-AML nationwide.

    • Citizens should be deputized, give them guns and shoot the pigs. Give them an element of surprise. That is where this is leading. Colorado is a Castle Doctrine State. While Colorado law generally does not require retreat (Stand Your Ground) before acting in self-defense (even outside the home), Colorado has adopted a statutory form of the Castle Doctrine that allows a person to use any degree of force against a person “when that other person has made an unlawful entry into the dwelling, and when the occupant has a reasonable belief that such other person has committed a crime in the dwelling in addition to the uninvited entry, or is committing or intends to commit a crime against a person or property in addition to the uninvited entry, and when the occupant reasonably believes that such other person might use any physical force, no matter how slight, against any occupant” (found in C.R.S. 18-1-704.5). Hey venezuelans, IT’S A COME ON MAKE MY DAY SUCKER. HAVE A BODY BAG WITH YOUR NAME ON IT, AND DON’T FORGET A TOE ID TAG.

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