(Commenting on)  OP-ED: Kamala Harris and her two socialist proposals to crush the US economy



  1. As in much as I dislike Harris this article is wrong about her being the first Democrat socialist…..that dishonor goes to Obama.

  2. And the shills will line up in masses in support. You cannot make up the ignorance of our once great country. The devils are in complete control.

    • I did not realize how worried I would truly become as these weeks arrive. I kept optimism and pray for God to help save this country. But I am getting very troubled.
      I know this many be a temporary uptick for kamala. But the announcement of Yellens proposed $70 trillion “climate change poop pile” has me in tears. THEY ARE INSANE.

      • yellen is another “C’ sucking “C” bowing to the chinese. It made me very angry to see this old bag bowing to the chinese a while back. We don’t bow to any country leaders. Wonder if a case of knee pads travel with that bobbling head bag. On second thought, the old bag probably can’t get on her knees.

  3. Reminder: wherever you live…..vote for every conservative. We must be sure to control BOTH houses of congress!! Then we have some power when they cheat and the hyena actually “appears” to win, she will get no help.

  4. She’ll win with these Promises! It’s amazing how many Socialist people are in America these days! The days of the 1980’s and past decades is gone! The days of Patriots are gone! Tge days of supporting and fighting for the Constitution is gone!! America is Doomed!!

  5. At least we all get front row tickets to revalation coming true. And all those people say the Bible is just a book of stories. Watch and see. It’s almost like knowing a meteor is heading to earth and will kill everything. I hope people wake up and know or want to know the truth about what these demons are wanting to do to everyone

  6. I feel the American people don’t believe Harris would do the above mentioned if she was elected president. They need to read and believe she will definitely do all of this especially universal health care. This will destroy our healthcare industry. You think it’s bad now just wait. I know people living out of the country and their healthcare is horrible. This is insane!

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