(Commenting on)  OP-ED: Harris Quietly Trying To Cover Up Major Election Bomb That Could End Her Honeymoon



  1. All Republicans should be on the media talking about this, including the hypocrisy of Harris being the tie breaking vote to hire 80,000+ IRS agents to go after people who supposedly don’t report all their tips (re: Harris stealing Trump’s idea for no tax on tips.)

    Why aren’t the Republicans finding old clips of K’s radical ideas and playing them? I see some, but not enough.

    Same with Walz and what he’s actually done in Minnesota.

  2. Yet the MSM who’s viewership is that age group will not tell the truth and inform the people that it matters to

  3. This really pisses me off! It is bad enough we retired folks have to pay monthly for media are but now it will go higher and the cost of living raise we won’t even see any cost of living! This needs to be shouted from the roof tops!!!

  4. They need to stop giving it to illegals!! We are already paying way too much for healthcare that we paid into our whole working life! But illegals are getting free healthcare and free meds!!

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