(Commenting on)  Omar gets foreign leader to campaign for her in MN



  1. A foreign leader, current or retired, should not be allowed to campaign for any US candidate. This should be illegal and said person should be sent back home.

  2. Past time to take out the garbage- it’s really beginning to stink. I’m sure Somalia is used to the stench

  3. She is a foreign asset!! OMG !!!! And she isn’t the only one!! Pramila Jayapal and others! Our country was quietly invaded by these people and once they established themselves as partners in America they ran for office and from the local they then turned to the state elections and into our Congress they quickly went!! Traitors!!

  4. Will anything be done? Nope. Right out in the open with no fear we are being told the truth that she is in Congress to destroy from within

  5. Why is this freaking k u n t still in her position. She should be censured immediately for acting as a foreign agent and dragged out by her turban. Get the raghead out of our country.

  6. Get her out!! That is wrong! Having a non-citizen come and plead your cause, Omar, is wrong! Supposedly you are a representative for the United States, not Somalia any longer. Get out! I thank God I don’t live in Minnesota any more!!

    • I agree 99% with your comment. If people of any religion are here in the US to undermine OUR Democratic Republic they should be booted out on their asses one day or another. Omar should be kicked out of Congress and deported back to Somalia since it appears her allegiance is to that shithole country!

  7. A terrorist in the US congress. Destroying from within. She must go.
    Any squad members that support her n this need investigated n fired along with her

  8. As long as you have the stupid anti-American Demorats in control not a F-ing will be done.

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