(Commenting on)  NY Times counters O’Reilly’s News: Suggest Biden’s Family Wants Him to Fight



  1. The so called polls are a bunch of bull shit. How many of you have been contacted for one of these polls? I’m 77 and have never been contacted nor do I know of anyone who has.

  2. The ONLY way Trump is gonna win the White House in 2024 is if we keep Joe in the game. “We need to keep Joe in it; so we can win it…” (Rush Limbaugh).

  3. This news app is now no better than MSM! PUTTING OUT BULLSHIT NEWS! OH, THAT’S RIGHT, JUST BUY MY CBD OILS!

    • You are terribly wrong. DML works for America harder than any president ever has. Does a great job to put out the most honest and loyal news to America. If you can’t stand the truth go back to the main stream media. Yes he promotes his cbd to support his news business, but what business do you know that does not promote their products?? Do you get mad at Wal-Mart, Meijers, Kohls. Etc ads. Gees guy get a grip. Also, his cbd business supports a great charity.

  4. Why is hunter encouraging joe to stay in the race???????. Because if he wins hunter will have an automatic pardon and joe won’t go to jail for treason. jill the fake doctor can’t figure that out. Isn’t hunter a selfish prick thinking of only himself and not how America is being destroyed by his dirt bag father and obama.. The little prick should be in GITMO along with the rest of the biden crime filth.

  5. Oh great. Our president not only has dementia, but relies on his crackhead porn addict son for advice. Really Dems, really?

    • You nailed it.
      One thing I don’t understand is why is the American people not screaming for Biden to be removed from office. Where are our officials?
      I am not worried about him for the next four years I’m worried about him for the next five months. Biden is a national security risk. If course his family wants him to stay in. These are a bunch of narcissistic people who have made a fortune off of selling our country under Bidens name to the highest bidder! Of course they don’t want their cash cow to go to pasture…
      I do not feel bad for Biden at all they are not good people. However this is elder abuse because Biden can not make decisions for his own sake. Yet he is making the final decision for yours!

      • I believe Americans believe with Biden on ballot Trump has great chance of winning so want Biden there.
        But on the other hand who would vote for the other possibilities?

        Newsome has California a trash hole.

        Whitmore is a terrible govenor to Michigan. Never could believe Michigan re elected her.

        Michelle would just be Obama’s fourth term to destroy America.

  6. O’Reilly has a swelled head like someone who thinks he’s so important would give him inside information!! Yea right!!!

  7. According to the Times, Hunter Biden is one of the strongest voices advocating for his continued candidacy. Why?
    Because if the “BIG GUY” goes down then the “LITTLE GUY” goes down in flames. His free ride comes to an end as well as the rest of family’s pay for play

  8. Hr is not going anywhere. He has to keep his money laundering scheme going! Money is the Bidens main goal!

  9. Joe Biden cannot just drop out of the presidential race even if he dropped out his name is still going to be on the ballot and no other name for the Democratic Party will be on the ballot that’s against the law. You can’t just make up. Oh I’m sorry we picked the wrong guy he’s got dementia he can’t run. You already put him in. His name will be on the ballot, no matter what.. wake up America. even if Joe Biden died today he would still be on the ballot as the Democratic nominee

  10. Doesn’t matter who the demorats put in, they are gonna cheat their ass off, just like 2020. This time they will do it in plain sight because they know no one will do a damn thing.

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