(Commenting on)  NOW IT STARTS: Radical groups tout path of action to ‘derail’ Trump presidency



  1. So if Trump says the election is stolen and J6 is called an insurrection what’s all these threats called? They need to be put in jail.

  2. Since they are so interested in climate change they should start with the Worst Countries, such as China or North Korea. Maybe a fund should be set up for plane tickets to those countries for all the followers. They will need to stay indefinitely to properly protest. So make the tickets One~Way. Let them protest over there, see how long they last.😜🤣🤪😂

  3. Let me get this straight, the party of unity, right? What a bunch of two faced, tax dollar wasting nut jobs!

    • YES!!! I was just thinking that weather modification needs desperately to be revealed and stopped! Also “stratospheric aerosol injection”, where mineral powders are being dumped into our skies to limit sunlight reaching the ground. Even left wing nut Alameda County in Kommiefornia has banned this over their skies! RFK- best man in the world to bring out the truth about “climate change” being a hoax and stopping the skies being crossed with chemtrails!

  4. Put all of them in prison they did with the Jan. 6 the logic is to do it this time, these movement and their threats are real, this is an insurrection not a peaceful protest!

  5. All their fears of climate change will come to fruition, but it is not man who destroys the earth it is God in the final judgment. Is is all written in Revelation, so there is no mystery. If they are truly worried about the future , repentance and turning to the Lord Jesus Christ is what saves.

    • You are absolutely spot on here. Bill Gates and his climate change is out of control. He talked years ago how all we have left it 12 years and we are gone. It’s been 12 years over a few times, we are still here and so many people believe the garbage spewing out of the demons mouths just to scare you youngsters oir them to keep getting your votes. They are lying.

  6. “ Be unmanageable and ungovernable “. Wow- that is exactly what they accused those people of doing on Jan 6. Personally- and collectively as a nation- The PTSD from this last 4 years is real. I watched Trump be scorned and disrespected his first 4 years and I just don’t see this country allowing that type
    of disrespect again, esp after watching Biden’s alzheimer’s progression and to see how swiftly the D party left Biden .
    It’s time for America – it isn’t time for more discord from the nazi or climate regime

  7. Basically, these people are about as stupid and un American as you can get. 41 or 47 predictions about climate change and global warming since this crap started decades ago. Not a one of them has come to pass. God don’t need you idiots to help take care of the planet, not when everything you do is in the wrong direction. You better hope the sane American people in this country don’t start coming for you.

  8. Here we go………..

    What took them so long?

    They’re not going to accept Trump’s presidency peacefully. Tighten your belts and strengthen your resolve everyone.

  9. Insanity on full display!! Why do you hateful, crazy, liberals think you Lost?? Here we go again.. sorry Losers unhinged again. God Bless America 🙏🙏🇺🇸✝️ 🇺🇸🙏

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