(Commenting on)  NOON NEWS BRIEFING: Former Obama fundraiser flips to Trump, Biden leading in crucial group, Putin and Kim’s deal, Phone ban, DEI, Loneliness, more…



  1. People are lonely because they are way to busy trying to ‘identify’ what nouns and pronouns they should and should not be using. They forgot to get an education want the government to make them better.! Sad day in America!

  2. Are independents really that stupid that the would go return to backing Biden? Our country is a mess when anything male is offensive. Lord help us all.

    • I am an Independent and voted for Trump in 2016 and 2020. If anyone votes for the brain-dead meat suit biden, they are as brain-dead as he is. As for the poll, I call BS. No way jose. The bastard was as crooked in his senatorial days as he is now. FJB, can’t stand to look at the ugly traitorous SOB. May he choke on his own spit, he’s so stupid.

  3. Sticks and Stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me. Stop trying to take mens male masculinity away from them. This crap all started with man buns and skinny jeans ridiculous.

  4. 1- the company that employed a person with no CDL to drive a semi, in addition to being an illegal, is just as responsible as the person driving the semi.

  5. The illegal that killed someone should die. AOC is a Pro-Palestine pos. Netanyahu is America’s friend and she should be booted from Congress. Bidens regime is a failure…a pedophile being supported by Hollywood pedos..Yeah their all on Epsteins list. Stop watching them …they are actors acting like they have an ethic. Fail..your dirt is in black and white. People are depressed because this O’biden regime are dictators and we cannot afford to buy groceries gas or homes,our borders have been invaded and the invaders are killing loved ones, war is everywhere and we would like to elect a True leader but see how rigged the elections are. And how stupid the democrats are. The only time I rejoice is when I remember they are all going to burn in hell.

    • The entire squad and then some need to be in GITMO for treason waiting for the next rope. That filth are all hamas supporters. aoc is a big mouth piece of low life garbage just like omar, tlaib, pressley, bowman and a huge amount of other democrats.

  6. ANOTHER fake bullđź’© poll to influence the shills one more time. You cannot make up stupid IF these pathetic fools would actually support that sack of loose meat. These commies will go to any length to spread their commie bullđź’©.

  7. People are lonely because they can’t get a cellphone out of their face . As soon as guests come in they greet everyone pull out their phones. It’s like we have nothing to talk about anymore !!! This is even among good friends or relatives . Very sad !

    • We go to a small restaurant which we frequent on weekends. People wait in line to get in. As soon as a group of 4 gets directed to a table, (sometimes only 2) those asses don’t hit the chair seats and those phones are out in their faces. How pathetic. What happened to good conversation during lunch or dinner. There is none.

  8. Yes ,let’s all be concerned about ” hurtful words” THAT’S priority over all the ALLOWED crimes , glad they’re helping me to focus on what’s really important…..FK these people. When half the plane falls out of the sky because lackey’s are building them now , at least they won’t be offended …..thank GOD for that .

  9. NPR AND PBS, bigestest liberal media ever! I’ll take the thoes polls with a grain of salt. lOL

  10. It’s in the medias best interest to “project” a neck to neck race between the opposing parties. The @polls”, the judgments, who is supporting who, blah, blah, blah…. It’s all for clicks and revenue. The truth is you can vote or not, and the winner in 2024 will be Biden. Like the last election, it won’t matter how many votes Trump gets; after the “ballot harvesting of newly registered illegal aliens…” Trump will once again loose in a landslide. America’s elections are completely compromised. It’s over folks.

  11. WTF… this poll better be bullshit… Can independent voters really be this fucking stupid ??

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