(Commenting on)  NFL legend Brett Favre reacts as Biden honors Soros, Clinton with Medal of Freedom



  1. The medals mean nothing because joe is a brain-dead meat suit. I don’t think he actually arranged this, it was arranged for him. All he did was put the ribbons around people’s necks. He should have pulled that one for hillary TIGHT. The ugly skank escaped from jail time. Too bad.

  2. Totally and absolutely disgusting doesn’t even touch it!! A communist and a criminal who should both be in prison receiving the highest civilian award!! For what? F$cking this country out of billions and making a mockery of our republic?? Biden has managed to cheapen an award that should make one proud to have it!! I’m you couldn’t pay me enough to accept one now!!

  3. Giving soros a medal of freedom? The only fucking thing that bastard did was free people FROM THEIR MONEY. Remember when he manipulated the currency in England and Broke the Bank of England and wanted to do the same thing here. Worth six billion and still wants more. Give it up soros, you will be dead soon and you son will carry on your filth. soros tried to do that here also. The only place that 94-year-old bastard should be is six feet under or in jail for starters. Other countries have banned this piece of shit, why hasn’t America. The democrats continue to accept his mega donations, that’s why. Wonder how he is liking it now, hah george? Your fucking candidate kamala lost. How does it feel. Feels pretty good to me.

  4. This is akin to burning the American flag , disgusting and disrespectful. The medal of freedom.meaning has been destroyed . This whole ceremony is FALSE.

  5. To me what is worse then Hillary is Soros. It’s fitting they received the award together. I agree with those who said it has cheapened the meaning.
    I also agree Biden has nothing to do with it.
    Washington and Fox do a lot of charity work and Fox has brought so much attention to Parkinson’s research.
    Hillary got a participation award because she could never be anything else.

  6. They are all getting their meaningless participation trophies to hang on the their “I LOVE ME!” Wall. Just like Obama got the noble peace prize for something he might do in the future. It’s all part of their GOOD OLE BOY network.

  7. Time to retire that medal due to the disgrace the biden administration has brought upon it. Let’s create a true presidential medal with real requirements to it!

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