Trump is serious about ridding us of illegals! Even those who took advantage of Bidens open policy.
I do believe EVerify will be used however I don’t believe it will be this year.
I don’t believe E-verify will ever be implemented. It just makes too much sense to put the burden on those who employ illegal’s.
No legal status, no jobs, no jobs means no reason to come to America. Makes too much sense so that won’t happen. Companies who knowingly hire illegal’s should be fined retroactively for every illegal they hire.
A lot of thesr illegals eill use the loophole of SJIS (special juvenile immigration ststus).
It is a loophole that Trump failed to close. I personally know a dozen illegal aliens who are now legal permanent residence because of this fraudulent program. It took them less than 18 months to gain permanent residency status.
Guest move! Free the Country from criminals and freeloaders!!!
Trump is serious about ridding us of illegals! Even those who took advantage of Bidens open policy.
I do believe EVerify will be used however I don’t believe it will be this year.
What about all the male Chinese that entered?
I don’t believe E-verify will ever be implemented. It just makes too much sense to put the burden on those who employ illegal’s.
No legal status, no jobs, no jobs means no reason to come to America. Makes too much sense so that won’t happen. Companies who knowingly hire illegal’s should be fined retroactively for every illegal they hire.
A lot of thesr illegals eill use the loophole of SJIS (special juvenile immigration ststus).
It is a loophole that Trump failed to close. I personally know a dozen illegal aliens who are now legal permanent residence because of this fraudulent program. It took them less than 18 months to gain permanent residency status.
Deporting even 100,000 a month is not going to get it done.
If I had to hire an illegal in my own business, I would close the business.
Small correction “if I were FORCED to hire an illegal to make a quota”….that is not going to happen.
Now we’re cooking the more being deported the better.