(Commenting on)  NEWS ALERT!! Trump’s legal foe to receive widespread power over state’s election process, attorney says



  1. Making it legal to cheat.
    How convenient!

    And in Michigan, Dana Nessel said that if the votes aren’t certified then they will come after you! Unreal!!!! Sounds like a threat to me!

  2. Wow, talk about rubbing this in the face of America. They’re going to cheat once again. I really think this is what’s going to be the last straw. It could possibly start an uprising in this nation. We are living in dangerous times. When you poke a bear too many times, you will have hell to pay.

    • No doubt!!! So sick of this $h¡T…..should be a means of “already compromised,” cheating going on. Earlier the better, says the Demon crates! 👹 Can’t STAND PEEK A BOO JAMES! , Everyone already knows she’s out to bring DJT Down and locked up. Neither she, Alvin Braggs (fat a$$ chipmunk) or anyone else who has had access to him period. Their conduct is unbecoming!

  3. Unbelieveable.
    I cannot find words anymore to condem the crap that keeps happening in beautiful America.
    God please have mercy on us and help save our country.

  4. We all know how this is going to play out, cheating everywhere and don’t you dare ask questions. A fair and square election no doubt Trump will win but that’s not what will happen. Fox News is saying daily it’s tied or Harris has a slight lead. I don’t believe it. We are all going to be stunned when they say she won. 😡

  5. Disgusting corrupt government trash that what we have in the USA TRASH blue state government need to eliminated from the root and pulled like weeds and burned in the fire

  6. These maggots are beyond disgusting! I’m to the point that if they actually go through with the cheating again and put this scumbag that didn’t earn one primary vote in office it will be time to put the Patriot hat on! I will give my life to preserve a future for my family!


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