(Commenting on)  NEWS ALERT: Taylor Swift announces choice for president, Trump responds, Elon Musk’s response leaves Dems steaming



  1. If people research and do what she suggested they will vote red! She is another rich liberal that can buy whatever she wants, ask those who lived pay check by paycheck! Trump/Vance 2024🙏🏼❤️🇺🇸

  2. Another Uber rich elitist is voting for Harris. Stop the presses!
    She doesn’t worry about what everyday is Americans do. Sadly her crazy fans will do as she does.

  3. I’m still not understanding why ANY value is put in her opinions / decision’s . Looks like she supports terrorism/ rape /.murder /.cartels and of course communism.for ALL except HER . FK.taylor skank….

    • Wait til the IRS starts coming after 45% of this twat’s bankroll since she makes over $400,000/year. She will have to give up one of her Gulfstreams. Poor little rich bitch who made money too fast and now doesn’t know what the hell to do with it. Probably hasn’t cleaned a toilet since she was a teenager. Beauty and wealth sometimes fade, but hate lives forever.

  4. First of all, who gives a rats ass who these celebrities and rich politicians endorse?? If you can’t think for yourself, and have to rely on their choices, then you have a problem. Their endorsements mean NOTHING!

  5. If she wanted her fans to do as they feel is fit then she should have kept her big mouth SHUT. She waited till now to open her mouth because she heard Harris last night and was afraid people would support Trump. She thinks she’s all that, she’s a singer that thinks boys should cut off parts and become girls and girls cut off parts and become boys. Most of her fans are young girls, what an influencer.

  6. Fans do not understand that Taylor is part of the elites and knows that she is safe from communism because if her wealth and status and as she protrays the spider she has her web ready and waiting to grab all the innocent souls for the evil ones.

  7. Taylor swift- childless cat lady! The emptiness you’re so proud of makes me so sad 😞! There is no greater love than that of a child. They love you no matter what!! They are the most precious gift that God gives us! You are endorsing a party who doesn’t know where 300,000 children are that crossed the border, they want to mutalate our children, murder unborn children. So congratulations your hate for children is obvious. Disgusting how those same children is how you make your living! At the end of your life I hope your cat is there to hold your hand and grieve for you!

  8. If that swiftly bitch did any research at all (I strongly doubt it), she would have learned that everything that came out of Kommie-la’s mouth was blatant lies!

  9. Hello people, No one really cares what TS thinks, or votes for, her opinion means Nothing to a lot of us. She’s a spoiled entitled nobody. She dresses skanky, acts like one.. definitely No role model for young girls…

  10. I came here for the comments.
    I couldn’t give two shits about this idiot, although I feel sorry for olivia having to live with it!!!!! What a douche!!!!!!

  11. If I were a governor that was putting illegals on a bus to another city, I would take them right to her fancy, huge mansion and just drop them off. Many bus loads. You want to endorse the lady who wants open borders? Here you go. Good luck.

  12. Well she did sell her soul to the devil, so I’m not surprised!! She is disgustingly evil. Where did all of those missing children go?????

  13. She said she did her research….where by listening to ABC, who is 100% favorable to Camel-la. So not so Swift has never heard of anyone the Marxist ideas the Komrad ha. Boy will she be shocked when she is taxed 85% of her wealth. Such a low information voter.

  14. TS thinks she can influence intelligent and informed people The only people she has influence on is silly, shallow dumb young girls and horny adolescent boys! No one with half a brain would listen to or care who she supports! She has no clue what average, working Americans have lived through the last four years! She’s totally out of touch with everything but herself!

  15. Elon Musk can buy and sell you! After this arrogant k_u_n_t’s lecture to the American voter Donald Trump’s support should skyrocket. Looking forward to this pos going away, or at least shutting the f**k up and just sing to the minions that adore you.

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