(Commenting on)  NEWS ALERT: Supreme Court rules on Biden-Harris request to allow biological men in women’s locker rooms



  1. This should have been a slam dunk. This should have been 8 to 1 since we knew one couldn’t tell the difference between a man and a woman. 5 to 4. Take the win but that is so disheartening.

  2. The news story should read 4 justices would allow boys in girls locker room and in sports! This is insanity.
    Funny you aren’t seeing biological females wanting in mens locker rooms and sports.. this topic pisses me off and the Trump campaign needs to highlight it more!

  3. I am SO SO GLAD I did not buy Gorsuch’s new book. I was planning on it, but never got around to it. What a disappointment he is. If I wasn’t afraid of being put on a watch list or being jailed, I would write him a letter and tell him my displeasure about his vote.

  4. What gets me is men who think they’re women can go in women’s restrooms and participate in women’s sports. But how many women who think they are men actually use men restrooms and participate in men’s sports. Something fishy there to me.

  5. I totally agree it should have been a wipe out but SCOTUS is imbalanced AF thank.God it was struck.down though . Using discrimination THIER way . THEY are sexually harassing others and YES I discriminate against perverts …

  6. What makes my blood boil is evil men who hate women would go in there and hurt them in the name of trans genderism! So gross!🤢 I’m so sick of this crap!!

  7. This should have been a 9-0, but at least it was a WIN. trans, stay the hell out of my bathroom and our women’s sports. In the ladies room, I don’t want to see your stinking shoes facing the back wall of the toilet. We don’t want you slimeballs here. Get your own group of trans, don’t invade someone else’s.

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