(Commenting on)  NEWS ALERT: State removes thousands of noncitizens from voting rolls, GOP governor issues Executive Order



  1. Every State County Court Clerk should be doing the same thing. The DMV, and DHS should not register non citizens to vote.

  2. Good for you Youngkin. Every state needs this. It’s amazing how many dead people vote also. Tn. should never have backed down because people got their feelings hurt and it was called voter intimidation. Mail in ballots shouldn’t be counted after Election Day. They don’t let you go to the polls and vote after Election Day. It’s your own fault if you don’t get it there before then. In fact there should be a cutoff date of a week before so the ballots can be counted and then put up on Election Day. Everyone with any sense knows cheating is done through drop boxes. And we better have republican watchers this year. No putting up card board boxes on windows, no sending anybody home then keep counting. 😡😡 we never had this problem until 2020 except the year of the “hanging chads” Who knows there may be another plandemic before Nov. wouldn’t surprise me at all.

  3. Isn’t it absolutely absurd that this is even a thing in the US?!?
    Should have never gotten to this.

  4. Well don’t know what happened to my comment. Remove every illegal, dead people on the books. Surprising how many dead people vote. This was not a problem before 2020. We didn’t count mail in ballots for days after voting. You can’t do it at the polls!! There should be a law of a week before cutoff date for mail ins so they can be counted before the election. If you don’t get it mailed in that time then that’s your fault and you have to go to the polls! Better have republicans watching the count also. No boxing up windows or send people home then keep counting. Voting should be one of the strictest laws in the country!! Not American no voting.

  5. We all know that it was the democrats that opened the back door to allow illegals to vote with their motor voter sceme. First get a motor voter bill passed to register all who were TOO LAZY to take the trouble to register. Then came the drivers license for illegals and BAM we got a ton of registered illegals voting. The last step is open the flood gates and bring in a whole new voter base of illegal voters for cheating in all the elections. I saw this coming years ago when motor voter was first floated. If your too LAZY to register, you too stupid to vote.

      • Motor voter: Some states automatically register people to vote when they get a driver’s license regardless if they are US citizens. That’s how illegals get on the voter rolls.

        • I’m in Kommiefornia. Years ago I was next in line behind an illegal getting a DL. When done, the clerk told the guy to go to the next window and register to vote! When it was my turn, I told the clerk that it’s illegal for that guy to vote. She said she knows but if she didn’t tell an illegal to register, she would be fired, per mandate by the gubner. In this state, illegals voting has been going on for a very long time. Did you know that SF’s ballots are available in 23 languages?

  6. Georgia needs to do the same thing! Governor Kemp and Sec of State Raffensperger need to strike off every illegal alien who has registered in Georgia. DML said in one of his podcasts that thousands of illegal non citizens have already registered in 2024 to vote in Georgia. Where are Kemp and Raffensperger? We demand Voter Integrity in Georgia.

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