(Commenting on)  NEWS ALERT: State bill redefining parenthood, stripping away ‘mother,’ ‘father,’ could soon be state law



  1. Something wicked this way comes…..truly disgusting! People beyond the state of Massachusetts better wake up. I’m pretty sure the governor will sign this his bill, just look at how ultra liberal she is. This crap needs to stop now. Massachusetts is a true blue state and parents there should be pissed about this blatant overreach.


  2. I truly believe every Democrat needs to be in a mental institution. They are ruining these children’s lives. If they want to be alphabet people not much we can do. But they should not be allowed to have children in their care and mess with their minds also! God please help these children.

  3. One more reason to love living in “masshole a chussetts ” …….you’ll NEVER see me there .my extended family can enjoy themselves..

  4. The Commonwealth of Massachusetts has turned into the COMMUNIST State of Massafornication! Cali East!

  5. A true example of inmates running the asylum. How long will they let this mental illness run rampant and call it freedom of speech or freedom of expression? If this is what equality looks like in that state, God save us all!

  6. I have no words. Democrats are mentally challenged freaks. They need to be fed to the sharks. Would you rather have Trump CASH or kamala CRASH.

  7. If you love your kids, get the hell out of that state. Move to a red state. Nothing but idiots that are socialist communist. Quit calling democrats. That party is long dead. Their all communist lead.

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