(Commenting on)  NEWS ALERT: Slain soldier’s family torches liberal newspaper’s ‘hit piece’ against Trump



  1. The demoncrap cult once again proved there is no low too low for them! Damn I hate this crap! Trump and the family should sue tha Atlantic into non existence

  2. Just when I think I can’t be more shocked and disgusted by what the MSM will stoop to this comes out. How despicable and vile! I think we’re in for several days of this (i.e. Michael Flynn interview). I’m praying that people won’t be duped by this evil. Pray for America! 🙏✝️🇺🇸

  3. Makes me sick, literally, to hear about yet another insane Uber-Liberal rag inventing ugly and grossly untrue stories about President Trump. Their so-called transparency is beyond a joke. None of them fear any ramifications for doing so either. No longer any morals or ethics in any journalism that caters to Democrats.


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