(Commenting on)  NEWS ALERT: Senate Committee releases scathing report on Secret Service failures



  1. Some people need to be Fired! And held accountable, starting with the current administration and so called S.S. Pathetic and no excuse! Even rally goers🇺🇸🇺🇸Were screaming loud, to help the situation but went on deaf ears.Vote. Trump/Vance🇺🇸🇺🇸God Bless America🙏🙏🇺🇸🇺🇸

  2. The highest ranking person should be the first person FIRED! He She, they or them got to go. Then go from there. Most likely clean the whole department of all leaders.

  3. This seems like two democrats trying to screw a football. Total incompetence, 100% cluster mucking incompetence. No one wants to take the blame. In the real world someone has to be in charge. That is the first fired. Then the next head to roll is who was in charge of the electronic equipment and ensuring that everyone was properly trained. That is the second and third “ you’re fired”. No resignations accepted, no I’m sorry but, a brave man died, two were critically wounded and Trump was almost killed. Every bit of this is unacceptable and prison sentences are not out of the question as it was every single one of their jobs to protect not only President Trump but the people who were there to here his speech. Old slow Joe is on the beach daily and nothing happens to him other than dribbling his ice cream all over himself.

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