That’s what I was thinking!!! The man is flirting with having himself eliminated: ie, head cut off, tallywhacker cut off, hands cut off, stoned to death, etc.
Florida don’t be ignorant and elect this pervert mentality ill anti American Muslim po f’n 💩. Our republic DOES NOT need these scumbags in our political system, a huge mistake already. The Trojan horse has arrived. Protect your children!
Health care for trans gender children????????????????? Children should not even know or be exposed to trans gender garbage yet, you sick ugly perverted POS bastard. That is not health care. You are promoting pure filth on children who aren’t dry behind the ears yet.
I didn’t think you could be a Muslin and bisexual?.
That’s what I was thinking!!! The man is flirting with having himself eliminated: ie, head cut off, tallywhacker cut off, hands cut off, stoned to death, etc.
Thinking the same thing here. Don’t they throw those types of people off buildings.
Linda, it’s Muslim NOT Muslin, and no, Homosexuality and Bisexuality is generally NOT accepted by Muslim’s unless you want to get thrown off a roof!
But goats,camels and other assorted animals are allowed
Florida don’t be ignorant and elect this pervert mentality ill anti American Muslim po f’n 💩. Our republic DOES NOT need these scumbags in our political system, a huge mistake already. The Trojan horse has arrived. Protect your children!
Mental health issues are trying to make a comeback. Vote NO on the crazy! Protect the your children, the State of Florida and the United States!!!
Health care for trans gender children????????????????? Children should not even know or be exposed to trans gender garbage yet, you sick ugly perverted POS bastard. That is not health care. You are promoting pure filth on children who aren’t dry behind the ears yet.
Weil is a drug pushing Marxist. I hope he looses hugely.
Aren’t there important elections in Wisconsin we should be talking about, too?