(Commenting on)  NEWS ALERT: Republican Who Tanked Trump’s Chance To Net Extra Electoral College Vote Endorses Campaign To Deny GOP Senate Control



  1. I truly believe this has happened on other occasions as well, these demons are “pretending” to be conservatives to infiltrate the party, weaken it and ultimately side with the devil DEMONcrates. Several are in the party now, f’n lying 🤥 scumbags. Party of evil 😈.

  2. Lie ,cheat and steal.
    People are to easily swayed by pretty words. Look at history look at current voting and you’ll get the answer. The Dem machine is tricky. Lie about who you are and disrupt the other party.
    In the voting box people often vote straight ticket. Now we have Dems pretending to be Republicans to disrupt the party and take control at all cost

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