(Commenting on)  NEWS ALERT: Potential McConnell Replacement Hired Obama Advisor, Donated To Haley



  1. Anyone affiliated with the world economic forum has a brick for a brain including this one. wef is trying to destroy our Constitutional Republic and Democracies of many other countries of which there are few. Remember when he broke the bank of England by manipulating their currency and laughed about it. People like klaus schwab and wef need to be eliminated. soros is a promoter of them. He needs to be in GITMO awaiting the next rope. soros hates America but sure loves all the money he made here. Piece of filth.

  2. He can’t decide which side he wants to be on!! He’s a wolf in sheep’s clothing!! He’s using this pro Trump lie to get in, then he’ll be word than McConnell!! People need to wake up!!

  3. Be careful trolls, this is another “used car salesman” they lie just to be lying🤥. His record speaks for itself. He is NOT a constitutional conservative.

  4. Just looking at this greasy snake, you can see a scheister back-stanbing opportunist. People of Kentucky, please do not fall for this carpet bagger.

  5. One look at him and I could see what a snake he is!! Then do your research on him and you can see he is Not For America!! He’s bought and paid for by the cabal!! OMG find a better candidate!!


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