It’s looking like the 100 million dollar budget cut is going to come back on California residence at close to a trillion dollars. Could be more depending on how much containment fire fighters are able to get under control today before winds pick up
Someone, please escort this useless prick newsome out of the way. He can’t do the job, screwed up majorly, and is incompetent as hell much like joe biden. Get someone who can handle the job. He should be recalled immediately. I hope taxpayers throughout the US don’t have to pick up the slack for this asshole. He got in the hole all on his own.
While this idiot should go to jail, he’s flipping off everyone railing against him and yelling “WHAT’RE YA GONNA DO ABOUT IT, PEASANTS?”
Originally posted on January 11th at
And gave that money to the effing ILLEGALS. I can’t stand democRATS. They destroy everything around them only to make themselves richer. Burn in Hell newSCUM.
Greaseball Newsom cut back many essential programs to primarily fund social services for illegal aliens: Medi-Cal, Denti-Cal, immigration attorneys, bilingual services at schools, free college tuition, financial aid for post graduate education, State EBT program for illegal alien families.
Illegal aliens, legal Hispanics residents, legal immigrants, leftist Americans outnumber independents and conservatives in California by a huge ratio. Newscum will have a rocky path but his true believer followers will keep him in power until he terms out.
There should not be free health care for anybody. Illegals are not a priority…..STOPPING FIRES IS!!
Political agenda DEI hires and elections have proven disastrous for our country. Newscum is just that on steroids as he has screwed up California more than it was ever before. At $73B in the hole it is just unbelievable that he is still giving away $500M to illegals yet takes a 💩 on the people he is supposed to be serving. When does political agendas become criminal actions?
It’s looking like the 100 million dollar budget cut is going to come back on California residence at close to a trillion dollars. Could be more depending on how much containment fire fighters are able to get under control today before winds pick up
Someone, please escort this useless prick newsome out of the way. He can’t do the job, screwed up majorly, and is incompetent as hell much like joe biden. Get someone who can handle the job. He should be recalled immediately. I hope taxpayers throughout the US don’t have to pick up the slack for this asshole. He got in the hole all on his own.
While this idiot should go to jail, he’s flipping off everyone railing against him and yelling “WHAT’RE YA GONNA DO ABOUT IT, PEASANTS?”
Originally posted on January 11th at
And gave that money to the effing ILLEGALS. I can’t stand democRATS. They destroy everything around them only to make themselves richer. Burn in Hell newSCUM.
Greaseball Newsom cut back many essential programs to primarily fund social services for illegal aliens: Medi-Cal, Denti-Cal, immigration attorneys, bilingual services at schools, free college tuition, financial aid for post graduate education, State EBT program for illegal alien families.
Illegal aliens, legal Hispanics residents, legal immigrants, leftist Americans outnumber independents and conservatives in California by a huge ratio. Newscum will have a rocky path but his true believer followers will keep him in power until he terms out.