(Commenting on)  NEWS ALERT: McDonalds releases statement, throws cold water on Harris’ claim of working there



  1. Hey kam-ALLLAH…….GOTCHA BITCH. Donald Trump spent more time at McDonald’s than you have. Not only was he frying french fries, he was eating their food. NO RECORD OF YOU ever working there, right? LYING COCKROACH THAT YOU ARE kam-ALLAH. You have even covered the big lie of joe biden having complete mental acuity for the last 3 1/2 years and we all know how that went. He has been failing for at least 3 of them. You helped to throw him under the bus. Now eat it bitch. Your failures, not Trumps.

  2. Kamala lies about everything🤥🤥🤥 She thinks she is too good for everyone. Not a likable person.How in the hell would anyone vote for this un-American bitch?? And yes she threw so many people under the bus, this past weekend alone!! Christians, black men, she dumbs every one down, every time she opens her dam mouth! People do your homework, before you think about voting for her dumb self! She really is dumb as hell. I don’t care what college she went to, she is still out to lunch,on a daily basis!! Stupid Kamala, go to work for planned or unplanned parenthood, just go! The federal gov’t needs to stay out of women’s body issues, she is obsessed with it, so much..WTH?? We have a lot more important issues dumb Kamala. Like close the border, quit letting Invaders take over our country.Groceries are way too expensive!! Mortgage and Rent has skyrocketed. Everything is going to hell, under her and Biden’s watch. It should be a CRIME!!!

  3. With all due respect, Kamala may not be lying about working there. McDonald’s can’t confirm nor deny her claim because there are no employee records from the early 80s.

  4. If she really had worked there, her staff would have come forward to confirm it, and which location. And she’d be going back there to spin it.

    Just another lie.


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