(Commenting on)  NEWS ALERT: Insurance company refuses full payment to California fire victims without itemized list, O’Keefe drops undercover video



  1. I tell people to take photos of all your belongings. When we had a fire years ago in our garage. We had photo’s of everything we had in there.

  2. If State Farm knew they were underwriting bad policies, why did they take homeowners money? They knew they were planning on not paying. Sounds like a criminal investigation into insurance fraud should begin!

  3. State Farm has always been a good insurance company for our family. Having to give an insurance company a list of items lost is pretty standard procedure. A good company is not going to just give out money just because. The people who lost their homes knew they had an increased chance of losing their homes. so it was even more important for them to take the responsibility to have their items listed in some form and kept in a safe place.

  4. I have state farm, I have had them ever since I started driving. A few things I don’t like about them, having multiple vehicles it seems every time I drop insurance on one they raise the premium on the others.


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