(Commenting on)  NEWS ALERT: Illegal alien who served as top AOC aide reportedly self-deports



  1. Maybe he knew AOC was going to jail so he figured he had better run now. Lots need to run now and fast Hoban is coming for you and rightly so !

  2. He’s a lot smarter than most liberals. Got enough sense to know when it’s time to take the money and run.
    Living big in the country he went to cause down there he is very rich.
    Sad thing is it was our tax money that he was paid.

  3. What problem aoc? A democrat problem which you cockroaches caused. The dumb bimbo aoc should be physically removed from her position. There is proof that she was aiding and abetting illegals here with her advised and podcast. I hope this sets a precedent…..aoc in jail and they show her in cuffs being hauled off. The bimbo doesn’t know her “A” hole from her mouth. She is just too dumb for words.

  4. If this scumbag communist illegal was working for AOC, there were probably many illegals or DACAs working in Biden’s admin. That would explain the payments to ghost social security accounts.

  5. How does an illegal alien get a 2.1 BILLION dollar grant to pass out $15,000 checks to other illegal aliens?
    Our pandemic checks were less than a third of that……

  6. Far too many of these DACA illegals aliens in government positions, outrageous. A female DACA IA put into a judicial position in NM, just one example. DACA IA’s lording it over American citizens.😡

  7. Do the USA a favor, (God knows you owe us more than just one), and make a PSA about how safe you feel , and how happy you are now! Maybe the rest of you criminals will self deport too!


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