(Commenting on)  NEWS ALERT: Harris holds rally in crucial battleground state days before Trump, at same venue [VIDEOS]



  1. These people flock to hear her lie to them. Notice a mojority have dark skin. It’s Atlanta, that figures.

  2. It’s a Black city . What do you expect?? They prefer to be tethered to the govt! You are not able to educate them. Same sh1t different day, different person.

  3. Those people only went for the FREE concert, They don’t give 2 shits for Harris!! Only way she can get a crowd is by giving them something for free!

  4. Is anyone going to do anything about the fact that the democrats have installed her against the rules of our elections and constitution? She was not voted in through a primary by the people. She was hand selected as the candidate most likely to be controlled by the deep state to further their agenda. Seriously: we’re f’d

  5. Meanwhile, the Republicans have their head up their ass, thinking its going to be a fair election. Like the last one.

  6. False flag. They showed up for a concert not to see cum dumpster Kamala. Videos of her past will be her own destruction. I’m waiting for it to come to pass

  7. So harris thinks she gon getcha ta vote foe hoe ass cause she’s a rappin'” along with a female hoe bag. Interesting. They didn’t come to see you harris, they came to see the female rapper and they got in for free. The only thing that looks good is the crowd size.

  8. I was speaking to a young 44 yo old non married no children friend tonight who says she will vote for Kamala because she can’t vote for someone she can’t respect 🤪 I asked her what it was that Biden did for her and she said she was doing good and didn’t have to pay any taxes . She also said that things being said about Kamala were lies . Wow I am so afraid if the future !!

  9. what they didn’t show is they all left after the stallion performed… they were not there for camel toe the wanted to see the entertainer for free…

  10. If the republicans think the Dems are not going to then they are on something. The fix is in. Wake up. They want this flake in there so she will do their their bidding like Biden. If she gets in. You might as well say GOODBYE to the America we knew. Speak up as all of these dems hate America. If you don’t like America please get the hell out of this country. This is not a country of freebies. You work and earn it. Not on my dam dime!!

  11. Hmmm, just read an article where good ol whitey said this culture will vote for DJT, seriously the trolls are ignorant. This culture sticks together where whites absolutely abandoned their culture. Add in the true ignorance of the republicans that think this dummy won’t get elected, think again. This was the plan all along and it was like fishing in a stocked pond with all the heads buried in the sand. Watch the vagina voters and minorities flock to the polls………baby killing and everything’s free will win them the election…..PLUS the corrupt media has already started the “gushing”

  12. Why would anyone with a brain listen to anything that comes out of her mouth? She has done absolutely nothing as VP and will do less than that “if” she’s elected! She’s an absolute incompetent idiot.

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