(Commenting on)  NEWS ALERT: Former Harris staffer calls on Biden to resign, install Harris as first female president



  1. When are these people going to understand that the United States of America is not a toy to be used for their own selfish purposes. Over half of the country voted against this. Imagine the disruption, not to only the cost, to implement this nonsense. ( I agree with the woman who said how disrespectful to the woman that finally is the first woman president. )

  2. Wtf. This person is nuts. Bash supreme court. Keep on putting your feet not only the foot you’re feet in you’re mouth.

  3. Seriously can this culture get any dumber, want more for nothing, EXPECT a job regardless of qualifications, gimme gimme gimme and give ABSOLUTELY NOTHING in return. We see the pattern of what’s happening when your culture is “installed” in key positions; NY and Georgia come to mind? How about FEMA? You clowns are the ruination of our republic.

  4. HELL NO, don’t give the sucking trashbag kamala the satisfaction of being president for 30 seconds. Get this bimbo the hell out of our faces. No one wants her or needs her. For once I want joe to hold his ground and stay where he is. I see msnbc is spreading BS about mass deportation of legal immigrants. See how these suckers are spreading lies. President Trump is NOT DEPORTING LEGAL IMMIGRANTS, he is planning on deporting ILLEGAL freeloaders. These bastards will eventually get theirs when all their filthy news lies will be off the air. That is another way we can take back America. Don’t give freeloaders anything, no housing, no food, no money, no phones. Get rid of these freeloading cockroaches. Hear that pritzker, hochul, and healey???????? I hope every one of your states are completely defunded from any federal funds. Let the freeloaders overtake your states and see how that works for your citizens. Get rid of these lie spreaders at msnbc, cbs, abc, nbc, cnn, wapo, ny times, you despicable cockroaches, leeches and snakes.

  5. bash of CNN should be bashed right out the front door. Look at that smug, condescending, pathetic look on her face. bash you are an idiot for thinking kamala should be given the presidential position when she didn’t even earn the vice presidency. She was a DEI assignment, period. There was no competency or integrity on her part.

  6. I have been worrying something as crazy as this could happen. Nothing the democrats won’t do to hold on to power.
    I’m glad for once Biden is still president. However he could still make some crazy decisions.
    I pray something like this doesn’t happen. I just don’t put anything past them.

  7. That’s pathetic! No one with an ounce of integrity would even entertain such a ridiculous idea! But then, I don’t see Kommie-la as a woman with integrity. The only reason the democrats would do such a stupid thing is just to spite President Trump and make things difficult for him! Just shows how much (or I should say how little) integrity the entire Democratic Party has!

  8. Let the Border Czar suffer when President Trump returns to the White House. I have no mercy for her feelings as she never had any respect for the American people or our Constitution. Kamala was an insurance policy for Joe to not be impeached and it worked well as she was a DEI promoted mouthpiece from day one. Let her cackle and cry as she certifies the election results and hands the Presidency over to President Trump.

  9. Not a chance. We don’t need wonder women changing our country with executive orders. Democrats are NOT to be trusted

  10. I think alot of what Magoo has done since being shelved is definitely giving them.a huge FU I bet he will NOT step down / resign he will remain until the bitter end just to screw them and Jilly will make sure of that , I’m not supporting the bidens at all but they won’t comply .

  11. Dream on! What a joke, Kamala will never be our President!!🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸She LOST Big Time! These lying over paid, dummies at abc, cbs, CNN, MSNBC, NBC ect… need to clean up their bias crap or get off TV. They are a threat to democracy!!

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