These judges are overstepping their authority. The president has a right to remove a special counsel judge and replace him with someone else. I ‘m so sick of these politically motivated judges. They should all be impeached and removed from the bench.
The monsters in robes want this country to sink. They must be promised something very good for their efforts. I wonder what they are getting…or is it just pure evil? What are they getting??
Should take this judges to the Supreme Court for interfering with the job of the President. Enough is enough, they all are politically motivated and should be removed from their positions, clean house!
You tell me if you get a contract for years and you just do what you want to do and this contract can not be broken. Dang I need a government job. You let John Q. Public try that he would last about half a day.
It’s hard to Get rid of the Corrupt Entrenched Establishment Judges who are more at protecting their own interests, Than protecting the people. I Don’t Want to say Hate . But I have much dislike of lawyers, not our legal system. I’ll stop at that before I lose my cool.
These judges are overstepping their authority. The president has a right to remove a special counsel judge and replace him with someone else. I ‘m so sick of these politically motivated judges. They should all be impeached and removed from the bench.
Kit, you are almost verbatim what I was going to say.
This has to stop and it is a hill worth dying on. Fight back or just ignore these judges.
The monsters in robes want this country to sink. They must be promised something very good for their efforts. I wonder what they are getting…or is it just pure evil? What are they getting??
Should take this judges to the Supreme Court for interfering with the job of the President. Enough is enough, they all are politically motivated and should be removed from their positions, clean house!
Biden ignored SCOTUS ruling on forgiving student debt…but did it anyway. Just ignore.
You tell me if you get a contract for years and you just do what you want to do and this contract can not be broken. Dang I need a government job. You let John Q. Public try that he would last about half a day.
It’s hard to Get rid of the Corrupt Entrenched Establishment Judges who are more at protecting their own interests, Than protecting the people. I Don’t Want to say Hate . But I have much dislike of lawyers, not our legal system. I’ll stop at that before I lose my cool.
Needs to go all the way to the SCOTUS
Who’s the fucking boss The president of the United States is. Who the fuck are these judges?
Alina and Pam are giving these arrogant little judges plenty of rope to hang themselves.
posted at 11:59 pm March 2