(Commenting on)  NEWS ALERT: Doctor delays federally funded puberty blockers report for political reasons



  1. IMO alllllllll of this boom in trans mental illness is born from all the flippin v a c c y n e z given from birth to our children!
    Or additionally from the hormone filled food we are eating.
    And is part of a mass hysteria type of “trend” in youth.

  2. How insane is this! Using 95 children for millions of dollars for their sick project!! So un-American, just NOT right! Let parents and families deal with their own children. This more than crosses lines!!

  3. So how much money has this so called doctor made off these kids?? So if they was fine before they got the blockers why did they need them ! These doctor should published how rich they got to practice these horrible damage stunts!! Makes me sick that these so called witch doctors and sick parent use these kids a lab rats!! We don’t want to put nothing out there so it proves , all these million that these worthless doctor have milked from taxpayers changes nothing !! Sick sick sick !!

  4. This is reminiscent of the horrific experiments performed by the nazis during WWII. That woman (I refuse to call her “doctor “) should be arrested and tried for unnecessary experiments performed on children! A doctor’s oath is supposed to be “do no harm”. That bitch is doing great harm to innocents!
    She’s a modern day Frankenstein!


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