(Commenting on)  NEWS ALERT: Democrat Official Accused of Running Marriage Fraud Factory for Migrants



  1. Cannot wrap my head around democrats who want to destroy our country like this. There is a DOOR to enter properly into our country.
    So I continue to surmise these gems are I D I O T S.

  2. I know of personally one girl who came as a nanie in a work visa was told how she could marry a person to be able to stay legally. She was even told of the person who would be willing to marry her. These scams are horrible and are no better then the human trafficking. The people who are supposed to help these people prey upon them

  3. My oldest daughter had a boyfriend, she didn’t know he was illegal at the time. She had two kids with him, they got married when she was pregnant with their first. After their second chils, they tried to get him legal, they couldn’t. He was brought over here when he was 5 yrs old. They went t I all the schools he went to for proof. They did nothing to get him legal. How are they able to do this? They did end up getting divorced several yrs later. Her next boyfriend, illegal. He was brought over when he was 1 yr old. After he graduated high school at 18, he started trying to get legal, he is 34 yrs old now. One of the times he went to court, he had to pay them $10,000. They had better not get by with this. If this happens, I’m going to give this article to him and see what can be done about it. Pure BS. It’s funny, he is a Trump supporter but couldn’t vote.

  4. Whoa Wanda seems to not care if she ends up in prison? Why is she getting PAID LEAVE? She should not be rewarded with paid leave for her actions tampering with election ballots. This is crazy! The good people of Connecticut should demand that justice prevails.πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ


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