This is the very height of stupidity, right here!!! It’s four years away. Get over yourselves. Everything changes in 4 years. Do something constructive at you stupid party.
I am convinced now that CPAC is a joke!! This is absolutely ridiculous!! CCP Vance has been in office how many days?? Yeah talk to me in a year or so!!! Matt and Mercedes can go . . . .
pound sand
jump in a lake
hug the cabal that they support
This is the very height of stupidity, right here!!! It’s four years away. Get over yourselves. Everything changes in 4 years. Do something constructive at you stupid party.
This is nauseating. They should hurt themselves patting themselves on the back.
I am convinced now that CPAC is a joke!! This is absolutely ridiculous!! CCP Vance has been in office how many days?? Yeah talk to me in a year or so!!! Matt and Mercedes can go . . . .
pound sand
jump in a lake
hug the cabal that they support