(Commenting on)  NEWS ALERT: Concerns rising as longshoremen strike deadline looms, affecting multiple shipping ports



  1. Truckers will be out of work
    Railroad will furlough workers
    Goods and services will skyrocket
    All when the devastation of Helena to the East coast needs desperate help of supplies, materials, fuel& food.
    Nd no word from Harris/Biden

  2. WHY are dockworkers chooosing NOW when the economy is in crisis , to STRIKE? WHO put them up to this ? This is hardly the time for workers to hope to get best wage increases?

  3. WHY are longshoremen choosing to strike for higher wages now , when the economy is in free fall crisis? WHO put them up to it? It’s hardly the time for workers to expect good wage increases ?

  4. I have been sick for days knowing this was coming. My kids asked will they still strike after all this hurricane damage and unfortunately they will. Thank you obiden for causing this. Everyone should stock up if you can because who knows how long it will last. I was at Walmart yesterday and they were low on a lot of stuff. I asked the cashier ( yes there was actually one there) if they were low in stock or because they were doing inventory. I was told their distribution center was in Kentucky and they were trying to get it here. I’m in a area that got alot of its stuff washed away. So if you can afford to get some extra stuff . I know it’s hard with these prices. We just lost 2 fridges of food because our power was out from earlier I. the morning hours until between 1& 2 am Monday. Still no internet but we were so much luckier than the other 2 counties. My grandson was scheduled to work in Unicoi Friday and the place he works for decided to not go there or he would have been caught in it. Thank you everyone who sent help from your states, and prayers .


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