NEWS ALERT: Chinese Nationals Use Loophole in State Law for ‘Rent-a-Womb’ Scheme


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From BreitbartAs President Donald Trump is battling to end birthright citizenship, Chinese nationals are reportedly using the largely unregulated surrogacy industry in the United States — specifically California— to rent the wombs of American women to have babies and take them back to China, NewsNation reported.

It’s a practice that it dubbed “concerning,” not “not illegal,” unlike another underground industry in the state, where Chinese nationals work with “baby brokers” to bring pregnant Chinese women into the country so their babies are born U.S. citizens, according to the report.

When wealthy Chinese couples “rent a womb,” and pay an American woman to be the surrogate, the resulting child is automatically a U.S. citizen, even if the family immediately returns to China.

American woman are paid about $70,000 to have a Chinese baby, News Nation correspondent Brian Entin revealed.  He voiced concern that this is a legal loophole and “there’s no way to stop it” unless Congress takes action.

News Nation explained that a Chinese baby born to an American surrogate goes back to China with American citizenship and a U.S. passport.  In 20 years, that same individual could be a member of the Chinese military, and would be able to freely travel back and forth between China and the U.S. as an American citizen.

WATCH the News Nation report below, as Entin exposes the alarming surrogate baby loophole China is using.

Last week, Entin posted a video on X, and wrote, “I was looking into Chinese birth tourism in CA and stumbled upon this: The “rent-a-womb” industry. Chinese parents use an American woman’s womb to have their baby – and then the Chinese baby is a US citizen.”


News Nation reported that as many as 30,000 Chinese women have had babies in the United States using the “birth tourism” scheme.  But now the “rent-a-womb” scheme is raising new red flags.

Rep. Harriet Hageman (R-Wy.) is also sounding the alarm, and warned, “Because of advances in technology, lax surrogacy laws, and the incorrect understanding of the 14th Amendment, countries are now using international surrogacy programs to rent wombs in America.”

WATCH the more details report below:

In a Truth Social post Friday evening, President Trump wrote, “The 14th Amendment Right of American Citizenship never had anything to do with modern day “gate crashers,” illegal immigrants who break the Law by being in our Country, it had everything to do with giving Citizenship to former slaves. Our Founding Fathers are “spinning in their graves” at the idea that our Country can be taken away from us. No Nation in the World has anything like this. Our lawyers and Judges have to be tough, and protect America!”


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