(Commenting on)  NEWS ALERT: Caravan of thousands of migrants rushes for US border on Election Day: ‘One last f–k you to America’ [VIDEOS]



  1. na na! turn around go home and get ready for swarms of deporteds returning to your countries. they are rich after sucking on the teet of america. get ready to rip them off as they are forced to return to their country of orgin. brace yourselves cause we are sending a bunch of stupid liberal yuppy democrats with them to come and enjoy your communist regimes.

  2. In my opinion if you came to America illegally then you should be deported. I don’t care if this crooked administration gives you a green card because you broke the law and came here illegally you should be shipped right back to your country. Your green card should be nullified and voided because you broke the law.

  3. Those maggots can turn right back around and go back to where they came from! They’re not welcome here anymore unless they come LEGALLY!
    No more freebies for the maggots who hate us!

  4. President Trump has already said he will have a mass deportation so they might as well head their border jumping asses back across the border and stay there!

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