(Commenting on)  NEWS ALERT: California governor outlaws local voter ID rules



  1. So in other words. If you are low income, person of color, have disabilities etc. then you are basically just to stupid to have an id. Way to dumb down the state. Well, actually, they seem to have voted these people in ……… and that state is pretty dumb ??!! Oh well !

  2. I expected nothing less of this shitbag state. Give the assholes to mexico. They are always looking for cartel members to train. This fucking state should secede from the US.

  3. How many times have you shown a picture I’d at the doctors appointment???? Do purchase cough medicine??? It is just another evil decision from Pelosi’s nephew!!!

  4. Commie 💩 state, no wonder the smart ones are leaving. The devils continue their anti republic agenda and the cult of sheep continue towards the cliff. Ignorant shills

  5. I go to my medical appts and have to show ID then show ID to buy booze show Id to police if I’m stopped. I’d if I use a credit card Goes on and on but I can vote. Maybe 2 or 3 times using a different name but that OK. So tired of the cheating democrats

  6. Nothing could be more insulting to the black communities and also the poor people of this country. It says they are too stupid to get a simple ID to vote. They need to be coddled and given special “stupid people privalages” so they can vote.
    Yet these same people all have Social Security Cards, almost all have Drivers Licence’s, some are on food stamps, and welfare, and an endless number of other complicated goverment assistance programs. But they are still “TOO STUPID TO GET A VOTER ID.”
    Go figure. Its an insult!
    Its only done so they can cheat!

  7. CA needs to be removed from the USA.
    How can ANYONE agree with Newscum on this? When any one especially a governor, goes against voter ID they are clearly dishonest!

  8. Native Californian. When I first started voting in the 70s and 80s, I walked to the poll at my neighbor’s house, showed my ID, got checked off and handed a ballot. At sometime they got rejected d if the ID requirement, you just gave them your name.
    Now they don’t have neighborhood polling places, just big polling centers at school gyms and large venues. The lines are hours long. Most people have to drive to them, parking is a nightmare. They haven’t made anything easier. Thank God I don’t live in CA anymore

  9. And as a 70 year old white woman gets carded frequently when purchasing my chardonnay. Another one of his stupid regulations. I have never voted for a dem lib. Newscumbag sucks!
    All for one purpose so illegals can vote.

  10. And while a 70 year old white woman gets carded frequently when purchasing my Chardonnay. Another one of his stupid laws. Newscumbag sucks.


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